The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,64

showed them your scan.

“How did he take it?” She was afraid to know. “Wait—them? You told his grouping, too?”

“Yes. I figured they could help deal with him and how he might react. I was right. He lost his shit—but not in a bad way. He wanted to rush to you, Darla. Veslors are possessive as hell, from what I’ve seen of the mated pair on this ship. Drak and Abby are attached at the hip whenever they’re out in public. You’re having Gnaw’s babies, so I imagine he’s feeling it like ten times more. He would have blown our plan to hell and back if he’d torn through this boat to get to you. I calculated the odds of him taking you for his mate were at about eighty percent, once he found out you were carrying his babies. That would have freaked you out to hear, right?”

Darla was too stunned to respond.

“Exactly. I’m looking at your face right now, so I know I’m right. Prepare yourself to be mated, Darla. Which you should totally agree to. The guy is hot. And you got pregnant without, well, never mind. That’s something Gnaw can explain to you about Veslor birds and bees. Anyway, he’s onboard with our plan. That’s why I brought that dress bag with me. He’s coming to get you. You’re going out to dinner with him. And he’s over-the-moon happy.”

“He isn’t mad about me being pregnant?”

“No!” Jessa grinned. “A thousand percent no. He wants you and those babies. Did you hear me? He’s going to ask you to be his mate! Hell, he said he plans to pack up your stuff in the morning and move you in with him. Prepare for that, too.”

Darla just stared her, mouth wide open, as her mind tried to process what her friend was telling her.

“Look. I’m really bad at relationships. You don’t even want to hear my history with men. But I will say this. Gnaw told his grouping that he wasn’t sorry about knocking you up, and that you mean everything to him. He’s also tried to contact you. He didn’t want to just show up at your door in case you didn’t want to see him. He wasn’t aware that you don’t know how to work the communications console. The guy is crazy about you, Darla. Go on this date, put on a show for everyone, and then go home with him. Agree to be his mate.”

Jessa paused. “There’s something else I should tell you. Veslors mate for life, so, um…he’s all yours. Heart-and-soul kind of deal. I think he might actually die if you refuse him.”

“What?” Darla was stunned again.

“That’s not a bad thing,” Jessa quickly reassured her. “I can tell you’re crazy about him, too. It might be the most unique way that two people on this boat ever got together, but I think you’ll make an amazing couple. Oh, and bonus, Veslors don’t ever cheat. I got that tidbit out of Roth. You’re the only one that Gnaw will ever want. You never have to worry about him screwing any old bitch who flashes her tits at him.”

Darla closed her mouth and swallowed hard.

Jessa blushed. “Sorry. That was my past speaking. Not kidding about my bad history with men. The point is, he’s happy about the babies and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. You can stop worrying about your ass-backward home planet. No pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend, either. You’ll be the real deal. Just do the date thing tonight, put on a show, and by tomorrow, word will have spread that you’re moving in with him. The scan we took of you today, which I’ll upload in a week, dated as one I just finished taking seconds before, will cover your asses with the fleet.”

“This is happening too fast.” Darla didn’t know what to do or think.

“Look at me.” Jessa suddenly leaned forward and grabbed her hands. “Don’t overthink. Just say the first answer that pops into your head when I ask you questions. Ready?”

Darla squeezed her hands. “Yes.”

“Do you want to see Gnaw?”


“Have you thought about him since you were rescued?”



“Yes. These are easy questions.”

“Was the sex good?”

Darla blushed. “Um, yes.”

Jessa grinned. “Do you want to have sex with him again?”

Darla hesitated. “Yes…”

“Stop thinking. I’m not judging you. This is to clear up the bullshit happening in your head. Just blurt out the answer. Do you want to have sex with him again?”


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