The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,44

were busy changing. The Elth are hated by every allied alien that has had contact with them. There are also statements from some of those races, from when the Veslors were investigated before the initial trade agreements were signed. Did you even bother to read them? I did. Veslors were hailed as saviors and heroes for defending some of their planets against the Elth.

“The trade board concluded that Veslors have a history of coming to the defense of any race under attack by deadly aliens with hostile intentions. Just like they did with the Gorison Traveler, when human asses were in jeopardy from the Ke’ters. Your suspicions that Gnaw helped the Elth attack and swipe that shuttle are unfounded. The Elth found an opportunity and took it. He wasn’t working with them or for them. They wanted to use him in an experiment. I’m satisfied with that. What about you, Brown?”

“I concur.” Brown avoided looking at Woods. “I’ve been keeping tabs as the reports from other interviews have come in. Everything supports what he’s told us.”

“We were asked to investigate what happened between him and Darla Mitt. I just got the findings from the investigators who spoke to her.” Palmer withdrew a data pad, flashing the screen. “Darla Mitt claims he did nothing wrong, and in fact, is the reason she’s alive. She admitted to being the one who came up with the plan to fake sex. Again, everything supports what Gnaw has told us.”

“Doctor Jenson―”

“Has an ax to grind with fleet after his last assignment,” Palmer said, cutting off Woods. “Did you read his file? He had a posh position and managed to piss off everyone working under him until they all wanted him transferred away. There was a whole investigation. He sexually harassed two nurses and a doctor, damn near killed a patient by trying to operate under the influence of alcohol, and then threatened to fire the entire operating team after they realized he wasn’t fit and relieved him of duty.

“The only reason he wasn’t fired outright is because he owes six years to the fleet, and they paid for his ass to go to medical school. He’s basically a nurse now, not allowed to operate or see patients without supervision. And you’d know that if you had bothered to pull and read everything you have access to. I plan to file my own complaint against him for wasting resources and our time on this.”

“He also made threats to get even with the ones who testified against him,” Brown stated quietly. “That was also in the investigation file.”

“That’s classified information, if you pulled those facts from a sealed file,” Woods grit out. “You both just committed a violation by sharing that information in front of witnesses.”

“It actually isn’t. Ten minutes ago, I unclassified his entire file and sent a copy to his supervisor. Doctor Kane should know that Doctor Jenson is motivated to cause trouble. So should other investigators…if they half-ass it and don’t dig deeper than the surface files. Now it’s all there. I’m also making a report about you, Woods. Sloppy work.”

Woods looked furious at that statement.

Gnaw watched them, fascinated. Humans didn’t have the same relationships as Veslor groupings did. They seemed to turn on each other easily.

“You are free to go, Gnaw.” Palmer walked around the table and held out his hand.

Gnaw glanced at Clark. The male nodded at him. Gnaw was aware of the Earth custom, and he shook the male’s hand.

Clark stood. “Have a good day, gentlemen.” He opened the door. “Well, the two competent ones. Hey, Woods. I suggest buying adult diapers.”

Gnaw held back a laugh as they left. He heard Woods cursing before the door sealed.

Clark chuckled. “What a dickhead. All that was worth it, seeing him piss his pants. Totally deserved.”

“Did you think that would happen when you asked me to show them my battle form?”

“No, but wasn’t it great?”

“Urine smell is never pleasant.”

“It took the vinegar right out of Woods, though.”

“Why did you ask me to transform?”

“To make a point. Let’s face it, you can be a hell of a killing machine and cause a shit ton of hurt if you wanted to. That dickhead didn’t seem to understand. Now he does. Flat out, you could have saved your own ass a hell of a lot faster if you hadn’t given a damn about the human hostages the Elth were keeping. You played by their fucked rules to keep those women alive. Now he gets that—or he’s a Copyright 2016 - 2024