The Breeding Experiment - Laurann Dohner Page 0,43

three days’ reprieve before starting your new job, since your doctor swears you aren’t hurt besides the minor leg injuries. I don’t know if anyone explained that to you. Your job is secure.” She nodded at Dr. Brick.

Darla allowed herself to be led out of the interrogation room.

A security guard nearly collided with them as he came sprinting around the corner. Dr. Brick yanked her out of the way, and they leaned against the wall.

“Sorry,” he called out, waving a pair of pants clutched in his hand. “Some investigator pissed his pants and is raising hell for another pair, STAT.”

“I wonder what that was about.” Darla pushed off the wall.

Dr. Brick shrugged. “No clue. Let’s get your cabin assignment and find your sister. They’ll have you in close proximity, since you’re both new-hires who are related.”

“Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me, Doctor Brick.”

“Call me Jessa.” The doctor smiled. “I think we could both use a friend, right?”

“I’d like that.”

Jessa leaned in closer. “Just stick to the story you told to everyone, including with your sister. I don’t know about Radison, but crew on fleet ships are horrible gossips. They’ll pretend to be your friend to gather information, only to stab you in the back.”

The news disappointed her. “Really?”

“Too true. It’s why I don’t have any friends. I’ve been stabbed way too many times.” Jessa smiled then. “But you and I already have secrets. I’ve got your back. You can trust me.”

Darla really hoped so.

Jessa nodded. “Let’s get your cabin assignment and ask about your sister. Then I’m ordering you to eat and rest. Three days isn’t much time before you start your first shift.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” That was a lie, but she needed to work. It would keep her and Becky safe.

* * * * *

Woods kept glaring at Gnaw. It wasn’t his fault that the human male had fallen out of his chair and proceeded to lose control of his bladder when he’d shifted. A security guard had brought a spare set of pants for the male to change into. It had halted their interview for nearly ten minutes.

Brown, the light-haired investigator, had seemed to take control after that. “Tell us once again about the sexual encounters between you and the civilian garden worker.”

“Her name is Darla,” Gnaw growled, getting tired of the questions. “I would never harm or force a female. I’ve already told you, she asked me to comply with the Elth, and we made the motions of copulation.”

“Even a toddler would understand what he’s said repeatedly by now,” Clark muttered. “Should I ask for the three of you to take a course in the birds and bees? Didn’t your parents cover that, or maybe a health class while you were in school?”

Palmer had been quiet until then. “You have to admit, you’re an intimidating male that most human women would fear.” He glanced over at Woods, his lips twitching. “And some of our men. Tell me something that might convince us Darla Mitt didn’t touch you because she was afraid not to.”

Clark began to curse.

Palmer motioned to him. “Please, Gnaw. Give me one example of how you knew she wasn’t afraid of you.”

“She grew verbally aggressive by giving me orders. Darla knew I wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted me. I am able to smell fear.” He glanced at Woods, before holding Palmer’s gaze again. “The only time she scented of it was when the Elth were near.”

“How was she verbally aggressive? Give me an example of the orders she gave you, please.”

Gnaw tried to remember his patience. “The Elth demanded we breed. I refused. They wanted me to copulate with the female, create a cub they could torment and enslave, but I would rather die. Darla ordered me to ‘get my ass’ closer to her, because I wouldn’t go near her at first. Then she demanded that I strip off the ill-fitting pants after she bared her body. Her plan was to stall for time, which meant making the Elth believe we were complying.”

“She stripped first?”

He growled. “Yes. I do not feel comfortable telling you any of this. Do humans not have privacy laws about interactions with females? Veslors do. It’s disrespectful.”

He nodded. “We’re done here. Thank you for giving your statements, Gnaw. I’m certain you’d like nothing better than to catch up on sleep and spend a few days with your grouping to recuperate.”

“Palmer,” Woods spat. “We’re not done.”

Palmer turned. “We are. I fact checked everything he said while you Copyright 2016 - 2024