Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,47

and talk on the way to the office. When we get there, we head inside to find the place locked up and quiet. Daniel hasn’t made it in yet, so I hang out by her desk while she gets prepared for the day. I watch as she turns on her computer and gets the phones going. She pulls up the appointment book and stands to gather the needed files for the day. I get overwhelmed by the amount of time I’ve gone without touching her, so I push her up against the filing cabinets and press my chest to hers as I kiss her breathless.

“Matthew, we shouldn’t be doing this here,” she says against my lips, but makes no attempt to push me away.

“You’re right. Let’s go to my office,” I reply, my hands already trying to work their way up her skirt.

Someone clears their throat from behind me and I turn my head to find Daniel standing in front of her desk with a wide grin. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asks.

I turn back to her. “Hold that thought,” I whisper, pulling away and motioning for Daniel to lead the way.

I follow him into my office and close the door behind us. “What’s up?” I ask, walking around my desk to take a seat while he sits in the chair on the opposite side.

“What the hell was that?” he asks, eyes wide with surprise and mouth turned up into a smile.

“Oh, that was . . . nothing.” I don’t know how else to explain it. I mean, what do I say? I can’t tell him we’re just having a fling. That could end badly, then the office would be shorthanded. I can’t tell him we’re dating, because we haven’t even agreed to that yet. I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing. All I know is that I don’t want it to stop.

“Nothing?” he questions. “That didn’t look like nothing. That looked like something. Are you guys dating now?”

“What? No.” Deny, deny, deny.

“Are you just . . . fucking around? Hooking up?”

I let out a long breath and lean in to talk at a quieter volume. “I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing, man. We’ve been hanging out more. She’s—well, she’s helping me out with a problem. And hanging out so much has been really good for us. We’re getting along better than we ever have, and that’s only made the attraction I’ve felt toward her grow.”

“Whoa, what attraction? You told me you could have 12 just like her.”

I laugh at the words he’s throwing back in my face. “That was a lie and we both know it.”

He laughs but stops to wrap his mind around this whole thing. “Okay, so I’m guessing you’ve hooked up?”

I nod. “This last weekend. We got into another argument and I don’t know what happened. We ended up sleeping together.”

“And then?” he raises a brow.

“And then we woke up and did it again.”

He smirks and shakes his head. “And then?”

“Then we got up and went to brunch at my grandmother’s house. We didn’t talk about it.”

“Come on, Matt. Give me something to work with here. What happened after that?”

“After that?” I think back to yesterday. “I got into a fight with my dad so we left brunch. We got back to the house and I went to cool off alone in my office, but all I could think about was her. So I went into her bedroom and we slept together again. After that, the rest of the day, we just spent in bed—talking, laughing, and doing it again and again and again—”

“All right, I get the picture,” he interrupts. “So she’s staying with you?” he asks, suddenly confused.

Oh, I forgot he wasn’t aware of our arrangement. “Oh, um, yeah. Just for the time being. You know, while she helps me with that thing.”

“What thing?”

Her voice comes over the speaker. “Mr. Newton is here for your meeting. Should I send him in?”

Thank God I don’t have to answer that question.

“Sorry, pal. I’ve gotta work.” I stand up and show him to the door.

“We’re talking about this later,” he says.

I smile and nod, but have no intention of doing so. “Mr. Newton, right back here, sir.” I show the man to my office, taking a longing look at Poppy and those fucking red heels before closing the door between us.



I’m sitting at my desk, staring blankly at the computer screen and tapping my pen off the keyboard. I know Copyright 2016 - 2024