Breaking up with My Boss - Alexis Winter Page 0,46

lift my hand and slap her ass again—only this time, a moan slips from her parted lips that eggs me on to do more. But when I pull my hand away, I see the red print I left behind, and that’s what I wanted. I wanted to brand her body as mine, even if the mark will fade away. I grind my hips against her ass as I reach around, my fingers finding her clit. I work steady circles around it, then change it up to go front to back. Her back arches and she throws her head back. While I tease her from the inside out, my other hand finds her breast and I pinch her nipple, wanting to flood her senses with desire and need. I refuse to remove myself from her until she’s screaming my name. My release rises quickly, but I hold it back, not ready for this to be over. I like this little world we’ve created. I don’t want to go back to where we started. I want to spend every second of the rest of my life right here in this perfect moment.

Her breathing becomes faster, and her cries get louder. I feel her tighten around me and I lose all control, thrusting into her so violently that we both shatter on impact—nothing but pieces of us both raining down and peppering the ground like broken glass.

When my hips stop, she falls forward, taking me with her as I fall to her side, wrapping her up in my arms. As I work to control my breathing, I kick off my shoes and shimmy out of my pants. Now that we’re both completely naked, I crawl up the bed the right way—bringing her with me.

Neither of us has completely found our way back to our bodies yet. We’re both still limp—breathing heavily, hearts racing. But neither of us talks or tries to pull away either. Maybe she’s feeling the same way I am. I like what we’re doing but don’t know how to address it and don’t want to, fearing I’ll screw it all up somehow. We rarely see eye-to-eye on anything. Will this be any different?

After a long, drawn-out silence, she finally speaks. “Your dad is an asshole.”

I chuckle. “Yes, he is.”

She rolls in my arms so she’s looking at me, instead of away from me. “Why does he think you won’t follow through?”

I shrug. “He’s an asshole, and I guess that’s kind of my track record when it comes to him. I was supposed to graduate college and come work for him. Well, I graduated, but I didn’t come work for him. I decided against it at the last second. I’m guessing that’s what he’s referring to.”

“So, big deal. You want a life of your own. Why’s that so bad?”

“To him, it is. He says he built this business so he could leave it to me. He wanted me to have a son of my own and pass it down the line. But if I don’t work there, he can’t pass it down to me. Which means his whole plan to be remembered forever is already failing.”

“So all of this anger and resentment is because you’re living your own life and not the one he set up for you? I mean, you’re a Harvard-educated lawyer—not exactly a disappointment.”

“That’s exactly it,” I agree.

She looks up, her eyes meeting mine as her hand comes up to cup my jaw. “You’re a better man than he is. Don’t forget that.”

She closes the space between our lips and kisses me softly, sucking the air straight from my lungs. I’ve barely let her in—only given her small glimpses into my life—and she already knows this? How? She doesn’t know everything I’ve been through. She doesn’t know why I act the way I do, but somehow she’s found a way to see past all the bad and find the only good spot that’s left inside me. With each touch, each kiss, and each word whispered between us, that spot grows. I can only hope that one day it eats up the bad, leaving me to be the man she needs—the man she’s suddenly opened herself up to.

The weekend passes quickly and Monday rolls around. Back to the office we go. But today feels different than previous days. We’ve shared a piece of ourselves this past weekend, and it’s changed everything in our future, even though neither of us has talked about what that change means.

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