Boyfriend Bargain - Ilsa Madden-Mills Page 0,98

twenty and male. I like chicks.”

I hold my hand up. “What if you had a girlfriend? Would you take her number then?”

He rears back. “No, of course not. That’s a hard line. I’d be true.”

I nod. “And that’s why we’re friends.”

He grins. “But I don’t have one, so I can do what I want.”

We walk down the busy sidewalk and Eric has his head down, a thoughtful look on his face.

“Want to tell me what this is about?”

He sighs slowly, and I sense he’s searching for the right words. “Um, Z.”

My stomach knots. “Figured as much.”

He looks off into the horizon. “He’s falling apart.”

“What do you mean?” My legs pick up the pace, almost to a jog, most of it nervous energy, afraid Eric is going to say something that will break my heart even more.

He keeps pace with me. “Can you slow down a minute?”

“Nope. I have to get to BB’s.”

He takes my hand and pulls me off the path.

“What?” I glare up at him and he winces.

“Look, I know he hurt you, but he’s…”


“Fucking devastated. I don’t know who he is anymore. All he does is run and work out and sleep. He had this huge fight with Reece and they’re walking around like two bulls. He’s surly and bad-tempered and just…I don’t know what to say. I can’t get in his head.”

He scratches at his jaw and looks around, almost as if he’s nervous.

I narrow my gaze. “Did he tell you not to talk to me?”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure he meant it.” He blows out a breath. “Never have I seen him so strung out over a girl. He took a hammer to the work table in the garage, and shit, he never does stuff like that.”

I flinch at the image. “He doesn’t really care about me.” I’m not looking at Eric, but I feel his searching look.

“Seriously? Get real. I saw how he looked at you.”

I shake my head. “Funny, because he hasn’t tried to get in touch with me. He knows where I live. He has my phone number.”

“He cares about you.”

Then why is Eric the one here making his case for him? I want to smash something. “So you keep saying,” I snap. “Then why not tell me about her?”

“Maybe he was afraid to lose you.”

“He did lose me.”

He sticks his hands in his pockets. “You wanna know what I think? I think you know he’s crazy about you, and you’re scared.”

I frown. Is that true? I…I don’t know. At first I was afraid for my heart, but after the ice skating lesson, I was in with him. Still, a trickle of doubt drifts in, reminding me of my past, of Bennett and my father and the scared girl who will protect her heart any way she can. I remember the girl who ran away from him at the Kappa party and then at his house after we had sex in his garage.

And, in the end, wasn’t I right?

“You could have listened to him, Sugar. I was there that night, remember? You gave up pretty fast.” He studies my face.

“Thanks, Dr. Eric, but you don’t know everything. And stop eavesdropping on private conversations.”

“You were yelling—kind of hard to not hear it.” Eric closes his eyes. “Fuck, Sugar, I’m afraid he can’t finish the season without you. He’s the most lackluster piece of shit on the ice. He comes to practice, does the minimum, and leaves.”

I don’t like the images he paints in my head and I steel myself against them. “You won the last game—”

“By a hair, and he’s not playing nearly enough. Coach is keeping him on the bench most of the time.”

My hand tightens around my purse strap. “Oh, so I should just ignore his deception so you can finish out your season?”

He lets out a heavy sigh. “I don’t even know if that would work. I’m just coming to you as a friend to another friend who I know cares about him.”

I think about him at the fountain with Lola and—

“Everything okay here?”

We flip around and Julia stands a few feet away. It’s late afternoon and she’s ready for her shift at BB’s, although a normal person wouldn’t know just by looking at her bulky coat and joggers. I know because her hair is up in that Barbarella-style ponytail and there’s pink glitter on her eyelids. Bright pink lipstick colors her mouth, and she’s carrying her duffle, where I figure her shoes and extras are.

Next to me, Eric tenses up.

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