Bound to the Battle God - Ruby Dixon Page 0,53

don't ask it out loud, because I'm getting the distinct feeling that the goddess is making fun of me, and it hurts my feelings. Which is stupid, because I shouldn't be surprised that she's kind of a jerk, but for some reason, she's so appealing that I want to like her.

Tadekha flicks a hand in the air, indicating to someone nearby. I see a flash of rings and hear the tinkle of bracelets as she moves. Off to one side, one of the angels rushes forward with a tray full of fruits and sweets, and a diamond-looking decanter.

Just glancing at it makes me hungry. And thirsty. I'm always hungry and thirsty lately it seems.

The angel kneels at the goddess's side instead of setting down the tray and holds it aloft, as if her only job in life is to be a table for this woman. As I stand in front, waiting, Tadekha reaches over and plucks something that looks like a chocolate bonbon out of the bowl and my mouth fills with saliva. God, that looks so good. I watch as she takes the world's tiniest bite and licks her lips. "Shall I share a few secrets with you, Faithful?"

"Faith. And yes, please." I'm trying not to stare at the food. Or her lips. She really is perfect looking. It's amazing.

"There are things you should know about being an anchor. First and foremost…" She licks her lips and both myself and the angel stare at her adoringly. "When you are separated from the god you are anchored to, it is very, very painful. You see, you are his anchor here in the mortal world and should remain at his side at all times. That is how the bond is designed. He cares for you, and you anchor him. If you do separate, you are punished." Tadekha bites her lip and gives me a winning smile, spreading her hands. "What do you think of that?"

I think it sounds like bullshit, but I can't quite be angry. Not when she's smiling at me like that. "But I'm not hurting anymore."

"Precisely." Her smile widens. "That means your Aron has arrived and is here."

Son of a bitch, First was right.


At Tadekha’s words, a large man comes out of the audience surrounding the goddess. Dark, long hair. Pale face. Bright red scar down one eye. Mismatched eyes. Forbidding scowl on his handsome features. He’s still dressed in the uniform of the Aventinian soldiers, the red and gray kilted tunic and gladiator sandals. His cloak is dusty and his hair slightly disheveled, but other than that, he looks just as I left him.

Well hell. Aron is here. When First was talking, I thought she was just making conversation.

I get to my feet as he strides to my side. "Aron! What—" My words cut off as he shoves me behind him and steps forward, blocking me from the goddess's sights.

"Tadekha," he says in a flat voice.

"I was wondering when you'd introduce yourself," she purrs. "Hello, dear friend."

"We are not friends," Aron says tightly.

Well it's nice to see that some things haven't changed. Aron's the same guy he ever was. I touch his arm to get his attention, and that little spark ripples through me. "How did you know where to find me?" He turns and glares at me so fiercely that I take a step back. "Sorry I asked."

"Do not move from where you are," he commands me, pointing at the floor. Like I'm a bad dog or something.

Before I can smart off about that, Tadekha chuckles and the warm, lovely sound rolls through the room. "Come, come Aron. Do not be so upset. I mean no harm to you or your anchor. In fact, I have one of my own." She reaches out to stroke a hand over the hair of the girl holding the tray and a blissful look crosses the angel's face. Tadekha smiles absently at her, chucks her under the chin, and then returns to petting her head. "I think it's marvelous that we get to spend time together. After all, we are both exiled, are we not? Perhaps we can pool our resources. Work together."

"Us?” He laughs as if the idea is insulting. “You know that is a bad idea.”

The goddess waves a hand absently. "If I was not a fan of bad ideas, I would not be here."

Aron grunts as if this makes sense to him.

She wags a finger at a few of the angels fluttering on the sidelines, and then Copyright 2016 - 2024