Bound to the Battle God - Ruby Dixon Page 0,52

instead of hiding them. She wears another strand of beads around her waist and wispy, gauzy skirts that flow around her calves like a rippling waterfall. Her skin is a lovely copper, her eyes a piercing pale gray, and her hair is bound up in a sweep of pearls and knotted high atop her head, then cascades over her shoulder in a jet-black waterfall.

She's easily the most beautiful and most intimidating thing I've ever seen.

First's demeanor changes the moment we're in front of the goddess. Her steps grow more rushed, and then she sinks to her knees at the bottom of the dais, prostrating herself in front of the goddess. "My lady," she says, and it practically sounds like a moan of pleasure.

I'm not sure how to respond. Do I do the same? After a moment's hesitation, I get down on my knees and lean forward, putting my head to the cool floor.

"Arise," the goddess calls out. "I would see you for myself."

I don't know if I'm supposed to call out a greeting or if that'd be too familiar, so I stand there like a lump and let her look at me. Her gaze flicks over my face and hair, down my breasts—which are outlined in the gown—and farther down my figure. I feel oddly flushed at her scrutiny. It's strange, because she's remote and just a little bit terrifying, so I'm not entirely sure why I'm blushing.

"Not much better cleaned up," the goddess says, studying me. "What is your name, mortal?"


Her brows draw together. "Is that a joke? Do you mock me?"

Why does everyone have a problem with my name? "It's common where I'm from. Faith Hill, Faith Evans, uh, Faith No More…" And now I'm officially out of famous Faiths. Not that she's going to know who any of those people are.

"Mmm." The frown goes away but she continues to study me, and I feel a bit like a bug trapped under a glass. I do my best not to squirm when she indicates I should turn. I don't know why her opinion matters, but I feel like I want her to be pleased with how I look. I do a circle and then wait before her once more. Is she…going to dismiss me? The thought is disappointing. I have so many questions. After a long moment, Tadekha speaks. "Are you in pain?"

"Me? No. Should I be?"

She gestures with one elegant hand, and the movement is oddly hypnotic. "You tell me."

I force myself to quit staring at that hand and meet her gaze. "Whatever migraine hit me, it's gone now. Maybe it's because of the um, Citadel." I don't have an answer, but that seems as good a guess as any. All I know is that the debilitating, terrible waves of pain have vanished as quickly as they arrived and I'm so damn relieved.

She laughs, the sound utterly musical and enchanting. "I'm trying to decide if this is a game with you or if you are truly this ignorant."

The goddess is so beautiful that it's hard to be offended despite her words. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to put money on 'ignorant.' I'm not exactly from around here." I'm puzzled by her amusement. "Care to explain?"

Her eyes flare at my question, but she crosses her legs—slowly and sensually—and then leans in. "You are an anchor, are you not?"

"That's what I volunteered for, yeah."

"Do you know what that entails? It is clear you do not." She laughs again. "Oh, this is delightful. I suspect poor Aron is as ignorant as you are. An anchor is supposed to guide their Aspect through the Anticipation, and Aron has you? He might has well have no one. How very delicious."

I frown at her tone, because I don't like the way she's talking about Aron, oddly enough. Sure, he's a jackass, but he's not exactly here to defend himself. "Aron's a…good guy." I kind of choke on the words, and she only laughs harder, the sound tinkling off the crystalline walls. "Not the most patient of men and a little bloodthirsty, but I think he has a good heart. Somewhere."

Tadekha purses her pink lips and another laugh shakes her shoulders. "Such praise."

"He's nice," I say, and it feels like a lie but I say it anyhow. "You should meet him. I'm sure you'd get along great."

Her eyes widen and the delighted smile curves even wider. "Oh, my sweet child. This is too much. You have no idea, do you?"

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