The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,9

with someone as easy-going as Rosetta? I’m so glad I don’t have to work closely with the Boss Man because as nice as he seems, he also seems really uptight. I’m agitated whenever I’m around him. Just the thought of him being nearby makes me nervous actually.

“You can keep your shoes on,” she says, “but the shirt must go.”

I laugh. “Well, that’s not fair. You still have your shirt on.”

“Well, I can fix that.” She undoes the first button of her blouse, and we both break out into laughter.

“Come in, and make yourself comfortable,” she tells me. “I’ve got a desk set up for you.”

I follow her to the office, and sure enough there’s a desk where the two chairs and table used to be. It’s a simple desk, completely empty, accompanied by an expensive looking ergonomic chair.

I take a seat, and am pleasantly surprised by the comfort of the chair.

“I was just gonna get a cheap chair from Ikea, but Boss Man insisted I get you a top-of-the line chair. He was going on and on about how Designers can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, tension headaches, eye strain. Apparently, he’s researched it thoroughly. What a nerd.”

“Wow, I guess I should thank him.”

She shrugs. “I guess. He’s sweet that way. He cares.”

“Good to know someone’s looking out for me,” I joke.

“Yep. I’m not looking out for you. I’m in for myself. And don’t you dare touch my food.”

I settle my laptop and mouse on the desk, and get busy hooking it up. I’ve brought extension cords and all my supplies. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” We agreed when I was first hired that I’d bring my own computer in with all the graphics software and fonts I need.

She points to the small stainless steel refrigerator in the corner. “I’ve saved two shelves for you.”

“Thank you. I didn’t bring anything but a bottle of water today.”

“Well, I might share,” she says. “If you’re a good girl.”

I laugh. “I’ll try to be. What do you have in there?”

A mischievous smile stretches across her face. “Mandarins, charcuterie, cheese slices, and… my special chocolate.”

I smile, adjusting the framed photo of Ethan on my desk. “Well, I don’t know about the special chocolate, but I love mandarins.”

She walks over to the cabinet next to the refrigerator. “And I’ve got some crackers and nuts in here, granola bars too. As long as you ask, you can have some.”

“Thank you.”

I stare at the black and white framed photo on the wall; the Chicago skyline. I still can’t believe I’m here, in the penthouse of Orchard Heights. The girls and I always wondered what it looked like. Now I can tell them all about it. Well, I’m sure many rooms will remain a mystery, but it’s still pretty exciting.

“All settled in?” he asks.

My heart jumps at the sound of his voice. When I turn to look at him, my whole body reacts in a way it hasn’t in years. Or ever.

This needs to stop. I need to act like a normal human being around him. “Uh… yes, I’m just getting my desk ready,” I tell him, trying not to stare too long. He’s all in black today… Mr. Dark & Mysterious.

“Great,” he says. “Don’t hesitate to talk to Rosetta if you need anything.”

“Uh… thank you for the chair,” I’m quick to say. “Rosetta told me how you insisted I have a good chair.”

He walks closer to my desk, and rests a hand on its edge. “I know a good chair is very important in your field. The well-being of my employees is always tantamount.”

I nod. Yes, he’s reminding me that he’s my boss. I’m just a lowly employee, and I should probably stop staring at his sculpted shoulders.

Bosses should not be allowed to be this good looking.

He leaves us with a wave, and I feel suddenly empty. I want him to come back. I want to be near him. But I know this is all I’ll get in the coming months, just quick occasional glances of him, a real tease fest.

Well, I certainly could have worse problems.

After lunch, Rosetta gives me all the notes pertaining to the project. It’s all there; charity information, numbers, projected plans, mission statement, and all that fun stuff. The report also includes various possible color themes and an overview of the dynamic we are going for; peaceful, hopeful, warm and positive.

“Boss Man has set up a meeting for this afternoon going over all this. And after that, you’re on your Copyright 2016 - 2024