The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,8

good at it. He barely needs my help anymore. Thankfully, the pieces are the size of my hand.

I’m glad to see him busy and happy, but I’m really down. I’m not sure if it was the grief meeting, or the fact that I still haven’t heard back from Rosetta. Probably a little bit of both.

“Good job,” I cheer when he successfully locks two more pieces together. “You’re such a smart boy.”

He shoots me a playful grin. He has Donovan’s smile. He reminds me so much of his father, it hurts sometimes.

My phone rings, the familiar old-fashioned telephone ring which gets on everyone’s nerves. I’m unfamiliar with the number displayed. “Hello,” I say, curious.

“Hello, Honey.” The voice on the line is unmistakable. “Rosetta here. How are you?”

I stand and walk away from Ethan. “I’m great,” I tell her. “How are you?” I ask politely, eager to know if I got the job or not.

“I’m fantastic as always,” she says. “And I have great news for you. The job is yours if you want it.”

I do a quiet little dance, and Ethan eyes me dubiously. “Of course I want it,” I say, careful not to sound too excited, despite the fact that I could jump up on the walls.

“Perfect,” she says. “The Boss Man will be pleased.”

My heart skips a beat at the thought of the beautiful Boss Man.

“When can you start?” she asks. “How about next Monday?”

“I’m there,” I say. “What time?”

“Nine o’clock.”

“Great, perfect.”

“Okay, gotta go, Honey, but we’ll see you on Monday.”

“With bells on.”

As soon as I end the call, I jump up and down like a kid. Ethan stands up and joins me.

“Mommy got a job!” I sing. “Mommy got a job!”

“Mommy job!!!” he cheers, all smiles. “Mommy job!!!”

The sight of him, bouncing, happy as can be, brings tears to my eyes.


I’m a nervous wreck as I rummage through my closet. What to wear? What to wear? First impressions are important. I suppose it’s a second impression, but still. What should my work uniform look like? I’m a professional and work in an office. Yet I’m a creative type.

After what seems like a week, I finally settle on a flowy polka dot skirt and frilly white blouse, paired with black Mary-Janes with a sensible heel. Luckily, since the job is only an elevator ride up, I don’t need to worry about boots and jackets. I grab a cardigan in case they keep the space cool. I don’t need to bring a lunch either since I can easily go back down to my place.

“Where’s Winky?” Patricia asks. “I know he won’t nap without him.”

I smile. “I’ll go look.” I’m really blessed. Patricia is the most amazing mother-in-law a woman could ask for. She’s helped much more than my own mother these past few years. My mom, as great as she is, would rather play bridge, go to the spa and go shopping. She’s never truly been the homemaking mom type, and that’s okay. It’s just the way she is, and I still love her. Patricia, on the other hand, loves to bake and clean, and fawn over Ethan. I offered compensation for her help, but she adamantly refuses. She says she loves every minute of it, and I believe her. And I also suspect that she feels sorry for me, and wants to help as much as she can.

I thank the heavens every day for her.

After a frenzied search, I finally find Winky tucked in between the cushions of the sofa. “Found him!” I announce, and we both rejoice. You’d swear we found the Holy Grail.

I kiss Ethan on the forehead. “You be good for Grandma. Love you, sweetie.”

“Luv yo,” he babbles, all smiles.

“Don’t forget to pack Winky when you bring him to daycare this afternoon,” I remind her. “Or he’ll have a fit.”

She smiles. “I know. I’ve seen it. Don’t worry.”

I kiss her on the cheek. “Thanks again, Pat. You’re a Godsend.”

“Good luck,” she says as I leave.

I feel so nauseated, I fear I might get sick in the elevator. I need to get myself together. It’s just a temporary contract job, not my whole life. And I’m up for it. I have the experience and the skills. What I need to work on is my confidence.

I’m trembling when I ring the doorbell. I stare at my Mary Janes as I wait. Finally, Rosetta answers the door, a huge grin on her face. I suspect that it won’t take me long to get comfortable here. How could it not Copyright 2016 - 2024