The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,76

think I’ve ever signed my name so fast. As soon as I’ve signed, he grabs me and bends me over the desk. The pen in my hand goes flying. He grabs my hips and pulls me flush against him. He falls to his knees and my bare ass is in his face. He licks and bites. Hard. He seems to have forgotten to go easy on me, but I fucking love it. Bruising, be damned. His mouth travels to my pussy, and he licks a slow line, all the way up, up to my ass.


He pulls from me just when I’m about to faint from the pleasure. “I want to fuck you bare,” he whispers against my ear. “Is that okay?”

I’m on the pill now, and I know he’s clean. I want that too. “Yes…”

He slides his hard cock along my pussy and I grab the edges of the desk, readying myself for him. I haven’t had sex in almost three years. My last time was a hot humid night in Mexico, following dancing on the beach. It had been soft, slow and romantic. Nothing like this.

He sinks into me slowly, and I close my eyes, finally able to enjoy him in this way. He starts off slow, but as I moan and follow his rhythm, he goes at me faster, and when I get antsy, he goes at me harder, shoving me against his desk over and over again. I feel myself climb slowly, and every part of me is turned on, sensitive to his touch.

He groans as he pushes harder into me, so hard it hurts. It hurts but it releases the deepest parts of me as I escape in a series of waves of pleasure. He stills and presses his hot mouth against my shoulder as he comes to.

Sex has never been this good. Ever. Guilt washes over me. I shouldn’t be thinking that. How can I compare Weston to Donovan?

He slowly pulls from me, and I peel myself off his desk. A page of the agreement goes flying off, and we both laugh. The boards and drawings are all bent out of shape.

He toys with a lock of my hair. “That was amazing,” he says softly. “Wonderful.”

I smile up at him. “Yes, it definitely was.”

He kneels to the floor and retrieves my pink panties. “Come closer.”

I take a step in his direction, and lift a foot daintily. He wraps the flimsy fabric around my right heel and ankle, and then repeats the process with my left foot. He kisses my legs softly as he pulls the panties up and back over my rear. Finally, he plants a sweet kiss on my pussy.

He slides down my skirt, and smooths down the folds. “We can’t have you look all disheveled now, can we, Grasshopper? What will Rosetta think?”

I laugh as I attempt to smooth down my hair. “I’m pretty sure Rosetta already knows what we’re up to.”

He smiles. “I think you might be right.” He stands and slaps me once more on the ass for good measure. “Back to work, Grasshopper.”

I grab my boards and quickly scurry out, smiling all the way, until I reach Rosetta’s desk.

“Well, well, well,” she quips. “Boss Man was getting his Twinkie stinky again I see.”

I shake my head. I can’t take this anymore. “Rosetta, could you please knock it off? Yes, he was getting his Twinkie stinky,” I scoff. “I admit it… he was hiding the salami, sharpening the pencil, whatever you want to call it! Are you happy now?!”

She laughs heartily as I walk back to my work station and throw the boards on my desk. “Glad to entertain you so,” I scoff.

She’s still laughing as I attempt to dive back into my work. But it’s useless. The whole day’s shot. Yet, I still have a smile on my face.


I’m consumed with thoughts of Weston and I for the rest of the day. I’m on auto-pilot as I make Ethan and I dinner, as I give him his bath and read him his bedtime stories. Have I made a big mistake? It’s never a good idea to sleep with the boss. What did this mean to him? Am I just a good lay to him? Maybe he’s like this with all his employees. But he did say he hadn’t had sex in three years. But can I believe him? Will this change everything between us? Will this affect my job? Am I moving on too fast? Should I still be mourning Copyright 2016 - 2024