The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,75

special privileges.

I’m all smiles as I walk down the hall to his desk, holding my presentation boards. I’m as quiet as a mouse as I round the corner. I watch him silently for a long beat. He’s hunched over his desk as he looks over what appears to be architectural drawings. He scribbles a note, and I inch closer. I suddenly regret barging in like this. He looks very busy.

“I’m sorry,” I say softly. “I can come back.”

He raises his gaze and smiles. “No, please don’t.”

I stay rooted to my spot.

“I haven’t seen you yet today.” He leans back in his chair. “Let me get a good look at you. You look very smart today.”

I stare down at my brown tweed skirt and slim fitting pink cashmere top. The pink round toe slingback kitten heels are Louboutins, my only pair of red bottoms. I got them pre-owned on eBay for two hundred dollars, my most expensive wardrobe item yet. But they were so me… I just couldn’t resist. Despite being a doctor’s wife, I’ve never been one to spend extravagantly. I was raised by a single mother and we never had much, so it’s just how I’ve always been.

He sits up straighter. “Come closer.”

I do, all the while smiling shyly, and wondering why he has this effect on me. Why do I act like this around him? Like a naughty little girl who’s about to get punished by the principal.

I inch closer and walk slowly around his desk. When I reach him, he bites his bottom lip. His eyes greedily take me in. They devour me in fact.

“That outfit is perfect. My little grasshopper knows just what I like.”

I smile. “I’ve been taking notes, Mr. Hanson.”

He grins playfully. “What do you have for me?”

I stare down at the drawings on his desk.“May I?”

“Yes, just put them right on top.”

I set the boards on his desk, over the architecture drawings. “I just finished the pamphlet with the copy Rosetta sent me,” I explain. “I’m pretty happy.”

He peruses the boards, studying them carefully. “Yes. As you should be. These look amazing, Gretchen.”

My breath hitches. I’m so happy he approves.

“Great work, Grasshopper.”

I smile. “Thank you.”

“Enough about work now… I respect your talent and professionalism more than you’ll ever know, but you can’t just walk into my office looking so delicious, and expect me to keep my hands off you. Turn around, sweetie.”

I smile and oblige, and just for fun, I stick out my bum and lift my foot. This is as flirty as I get. I’m not exactly well-seasoned in the art of seduction.

“Damn,” he growls.

I turn back, and he pulls me to him. “No, no, no,” he scoffs. And he pivots me back around again. “I can’t resist you in this skirt.”

He grabs the hem and pulls it up in one swift move, revealing my pink lace panties. I bite my lip, loving every second. I anticipate his next move eagerly.

He tugs at my hips and pulls me to him. I press my hands flat on the desk for support as he pulls my panties down. I close my eyes.

He slides a slow hand along my pussy, teasing me relentlessly, and I just don’t know if I can handle it today. I’m extremely turned on and tired of the games. I’m exhausted.

He slaps me once on one side, so hard, I jump a little. He’s quick to rub the sting though. “Sorry, Grasshopper. Your bum is just so delicious. I want to bite it. It’s taking all the strength I have not to.”

I laugh, and as if to punish me, he slaps me again, on my other cheek. Again, he rubs the skin better. I want him to do it again. Over and over. Who knew pain could feel so good?

He slides a hand along my pussy again. “God, you are driving me wild.”

He pushes me off him with a hard shove. I wobble on my heels, my legs shaking. “What the…”

He fires up his computer, and furiously types away. “We’re making an amendment right now,” he tells me. “I want to fuck you this instant, and fuck if a stupid agreement is going to stop me.”

“Uh…” I’m speechless. I’ve never heard him curse like this. He’s always so proper.

He bounces from his desk and dashes to the printer, which is already spewing out a sheet. The next ones follow quickly. Weston brings them to his desk, and hastily scribbles his signature. He shoves the last page in my direction. “Sign.”

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