The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,27


“Thank you.”

“What about anal play?” he asks “Are you comfortable with exploring—”

“Very,” I say playfully. This is officially the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had.

His grin is impish.

“And… the restraints,” I go on, quite uncomfortable. “What are we talking about here? Ropes and stuff? I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.”

He smiles. “Boss Man favors scarves and ties.”

Phew. A vision of me tied up to a post and tortured like a captured spy fades slowly.

Unfortunately, another image quickly replaces it. I’m cuffed to a bed, and Weston has croaked from a heart attack and left me helpless and bound, just like in Gerald’s Game, the Stephen King novel. “What about handcuffs?”

He laughs. “Only if you like.”

I shake my head. “I do not… I do not like.”

He laughs.

I fidget in my chair, not really wanting to address this stuff, but knowing I need to. “And I don’t know about the special requests. I don’t know if I feel comfortable undressing for you, or masturbating for you.”

He nods. “Fair enough. Do you want to cross those terms out?”

“Well, no… not exactly.”

“Tell you what,” he says. “You can consider it if I ever ask, and if you’re not comfortable, I’ll completely understand.”

I stare down at the agreement. “You like that kind of thing?”

He smiles. “I’m a bit of a watcher… I admit. And I love the idea of seeing your beautiful body completely bare.”

I laugh. “How do you know it’s beautiful? You haven’t really seen it yet.”

He presses a finger under his chin. “I’ve been imagining it for ages.”

“Well, I hope it measures up.”

“I’m sure it will.”

I tear my gaze away, and peruse the agreement again. I flip through it carefully. “I like the pet names… very clever.”

“I knew you would,” he says. “My little grasshopper.”

“Boss Man is very naughty,” I tease. “Very particular.”

He shrugs. “What can I say. I like what I like,” he says. “But mostly, I’m a sensualist.”

I lift a brow. “A sensualist?”

“I love to pleasure women. When I’m in a relationship, I’m highly devoted to a woman’s physical and sexual pleasure. Being a witness to their pleasure arouses me intensely. Nothing makes me harder than the sound of a woman’s orgasm.”


“But not any woman, mind you,” he tells me. “Only women I’m infatuated with.”

I swallow hard.

He clears his throat. “Because I’ll warn you now,” he goes on, his words deliberate. “I tend to become quite obsessive when I fall for someone. And you should know that now, before you sign anything.”

What the… What exactly does he mean? I have so many questions.


“Can you expand on that please?” I ask. “I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“I will want to spend as much time with you as I can, and I will love you fiercely,” he explains. “I use the word ‘love’ in the physical sexual sense of course. And if you ever want to end this agreement, I will agree to do so, as those are the terms, but just know, that I will be heartbroken as I will have most likely invested a lot of myself.”

My mouth hangs open, without words.

“That said, I understand that you have a full life independent of me and this job. You have a son, friends, hobbies, and I fully respect that. I promise to respect your space and time as much as my compulsions allow.”

As much as my compulsions allow…

I was ready to sign and clear the desk so he could have his way with me, but now I’m suddenly very wary. I’m afraid of what I’m getting into. And there are so many terms to look over.

“I’ll need to look over this agreement thoroughly,” I say, all business. “And I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

His face falls. “No worries. You take the time you need.” He’s clearly disappointed, but is being quite understanding.

“Does this happen often?” I ask. “You obsessing over a woman? Have you drawn up many of these types of agreements?”

He smiles. “I can assure you that it does not. In fact, it’s been four years…” his words trail off. “And I’ve never drawn up an agreement like this one before. I’ve never been involved with an employee. This is all new to me, as much as it is to you.”

“Oh,” I shrug. “I’ve had sex with my bosses before. It’s what I do.”

His jaw drops, and I burst into laughter.

“I’m kidding!”

He blows out a breath of relief. “You had me for a second there.”

“This is new to me too,” I confess. “I’ve never been involved Copyright 2016 - 2024