The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,26

above terms will in no way affect security of employment.


Any of the above terms may occur anywhere at the office, or anywhere Boss Man deems fit.


Boss Man expects Grasshopper to be available at all times for the above terms during work hours. Outside of work hours, dates may be scheduled. Boss Man understands that Grasshopper has many life responsibilities and may not be available to him off work hours, including weekends. Boss Man may request extra time, and availability is at Grasshopper’s discretion.


It is understood that the relationship between the parties is to be both an employer-employee relationship, as well as a sexual relationship. Either party should not expect more. The parties make no long-term commitments or promises.


Neither party may show or share this agreement or speak of this agreement or its terms and activities to anyone, including family, friends, social media or internet contacts, or news organizations.


Agreement may commence as soon as agreement is signed by both parties. No termination date is indicated at the moment.


In the event of a possible termination of this agreement, both parties agree to remain respectful and follow the terms of this agreement. Termination of this agreement will not affect the security of the employee’s employment. In the event that either the employer or the employee wishes to end the term of employment, the employer promises to give a full six-month compensation.


Any section of this agreement may be amended at any time by either parties. Any revised agreement must be signed by both parties to be valid. Excuses and delays in signing revised agreements is unacceptable.

In conclusion, given the mutual consent of the above terms in relation to a possible sexual relationship between the parties, the employee acknowledges that she fully consents to all the terms listed above, and she will not undertake legal action of any kind in the event of a fall-out, or will she communicate regarding these events to anyone (as stated in the confidentiality clause above).

Hopefully, both parties will enjoy the experiences shared, and grow from mutual respect and amicability.

Employer: _________________________

Date: ______________________________

Employee: _________________________

Date: ______________________________


He shoots me a quiet smile once he’s done reading the agreement, and all I can think is, Wow! This guy is a whack job, but so fucking incredibly sexy.

“I’ve left you speechless, I see,” he says quietly. “I know it’s a lot to take in. I like to be as thorough as I can. Amendments will surely need to be made.”

Oh yeah…

“You want to discuss the agreement?” he asks. “I would love your feedback. Your thoughts and desires are very important to me.”

It all whirls around in my mind, Kissing, spanking, biting, restraints, lap dances, strip shows, anal sex… He’s really thought this through and his desires are very specific. I still haven’t recovered the ability to speak.

“Say something, please.”

I smile, and blow out a breath. “Well, first off…” I flip to the terms section. “I’m not on any birth control at the moment. I kind of thought we could just use condoms.”

He nods. “Condoms can be unreliable. I don’t want to take chances,” he explains. “I prefer using condoms, but in the event that we don’t…” his words trail off.

“I understand. I guess I’ll have to go see my physician.”

“There’s no rush,” he tells me. “I’d like to take things very slowly with you.”


He fiddles with his silver cufflinks, not quite looking at me. “The best part of sex is the slow seduction, the delicious foreplay… the chase,” he tells me. “Why in the heavens would we want to skip all that? I’m a patient man, and I expect you to be patient as well. Trust me, it will all be worth the wait. You can’t be too eager. I want to drive you crazy with desire.”

I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I close my eyes for a second. “You are quite the tease, aren’t you?”

He smiles wide. “Guilty as charged.”

“Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?” I joke.

He laughs out loud, and I love his laugh. I kind of love everything about him.

I dip my head and look down at page two of the agreement. “We will need to amend a few things.”

“That’s perfectly acceptable,” he assures me. “It’s welcome in fact.”

I wince. “So perhaps add the word ‘light’ to the spanking and biting. I don’t want to be left with marks.”

He smiles as he flips to the right page and adds a note. “Done.”

“And…” I bite my lip. “Anal intercourse…”

He swipes his pen across the paper. “It’s crossed Copyright 2016 - 2024