The Boss (Chateau #3) - Penelope Sky Page 0,53

know when to disturb me and when to leave me the hell alone. He slowly turned around and came back to the desk, his arms by his sides rather than behind his back.

“Melanie will remain here. She’s not permitted to leave while I’m away.”

“And if she tries to run?”

He misunderstood me. “She won’t. I just don’t want her away from the estate when I’m not around.” My men would keep her safe from any threat that could occur, but I felt more comfortable being in Paris while she was shopping or doing whatever kept her entertained.

Gilbert gave a nod. “Understood, sir.”

My hand moved to the laptop, and I pushed it closed. “I’ll be gone for a while, so I expect you to keep her company while I’m away.”

He couldn’t hide his look of disappointment. The feeling was too raw for him, too difficult to swallow. He was the consummate professional, remaining jubilant even in my worst moods, but this was the one request that was too difficult. “I have many assignments that require my attention, sir.”

I hadn’t really believed what Melanie said—until now.

“Gilbert.” My anger remained bottled inside because of the affection I had for him. He made my life easy, and I knew the reason he was the best butler I’d ever had, provided an unparalleled level of care no one could replicate, was because of the way he felt. It never bothered me. I never cared. But now, it was directly affecting my life. “Melanie will be the countess of this estate, so you should treat her as such now. There will never be a time when I live here and she doesn’t. If this is unacceptable to you, then you will need to make other arrangements.”

He dropped his chin slightly and broke eye contact, visibly embarrassed that we were discussing his feelings without directly addressing them. He was put on the spot and forced to swallow a pill that would make him choke. His hands moved behind his back, and he cleared his throat. “I apologize, sir. I…I never meant for this to affect my professionalism.”

If I were ever to trust someone besides my brother, it would be Gilbert. He had served me faithfully for a long time, kept his eyes peeled and monitored my men when it was never his responsibility, snitched on any maid who didn’t meet his standards rather than have loyalty to the other people of his station. “I accept your apology. But if you have to apologize for it again, I won’t.” I gave him another chance when I wouldn’t give anyone else another. But his loyalty earned him a do-over. His attraction had been obvious for a long time, when I walked out of the shower with a towel around my waist and his stare lingered longer than it should, when he stared at me from across the room at dinner parties, when he smiled so brightly the first time he saw me in the morning. Just as if he were a woman, it didn’t bother me, didn’t make me think twice.

“Thank you, sir. Won’t happen again.” He cleared his throat. “And I apologize if I’d made you uncomfortable—”

“You don’t make me uncomfortable. Just don’t make my woman feel uncomfortable in her own home.”

I let myself into her bedroom without knocking.

She was on the couch in her living room, reading. She finished her sentence before she lifted her chin and looked at me. When her eyes shifted in subtle surprise, it was obvious she expected to see me in sweatpants, not jeans and a leather jacket. “Going out?”

“Yes.” I came farther into the living room and stared her down.

She held my gaze and stayed in her seat. “Where are you going?”


Her eyes fell in disappointment, either because I was leaving her alone tonight or because she wondered who would be at that dinner. “Will I see you when you get home?”

“Yes. And you’ll see me during.”

I drove us into the city, and we entered my favorite restaurant. Reservations were six months to a year out, but when I walked in the door with Melanie on my arm, I was instantly escorted to a table without having to say a single word.

Menus were handed to us, my favorite bottle of wine was delivered to the table, and our glasses were filled.

Melanie sat across from me, her long hair in soft curls and pinned back on one side so her strands were down the opposite shoulder. Diamonds were in her ears and around Copyright 2016 - 2024