Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,61

tongue. Let your taste buds absorb the sweetness before you swallow. Once your palate has gotten used to it, then eat the chocolate.”

Our fingers brushed as she took the glass. The tingling sensation immediately turned into an electric shock that shot up my arm and had my entire body wired to fuck in seconds. My cock swelled in my pants—

Then nearly busted through the damn zipper when she took a sip.

I felt my eyes glaze over as her naked lips left the glass. She swirled the whiskey around in her mouth, even taking a second, longer sip that ended with her humming in pleasure. Her eyes drifted shut as she swallowed that second one down.

“Wow, that’s good. I’m not a huge fan of this brand, but that’s the best bourbon of theirs I’ve had.”

My jaw hit the floor. “You drink whiskey?”

She cracked open her eyes, shooting me a what do you think? look.

“Why didn’t you say anything? That’s kind of what I do.”

“You never asked. Just assumed the Russian girl only drank vodka.”

Well, holy goddamn.

She just got infinitely sexier. Which I’d been convinced was impossible.

I held up the chocolate, reminding her she wasn’t done. She reached for it, and again, I pulled back. In a sassy move, she cocked her hip and pursed her lips. When she opened her mouth to say something, I placed the chocolate right in front of my mouth.

My expression was one of challenge.

Her cobalt eyes darkened to navy.

Placing her hands on both armrests, she leaned forward, bending her upper body toward mine. The chocolate was centimeters from my mouth. I could smell it, practically taste its bittersweetness.

But even the finest chocolate in the world had nothing on Lexi’s flavor.

I’d only gotten a sample of it in that parking garage. Indulging in the sloping curve of her neck that night, inhaling her lusty scent, was enough to temporarily satisfy but never sustain. I needed to once again bask in the potency of her passion.

This time, I’d smear her essence all over my face so the drugging effects of her body would last well after we parted.

The flare of arousal in her eyes captured my attention, imprisoning my gaze. They focused on my mouth for a heated moment. Did she want to be kissed? The thought of taking control of her mouth, of thrusting my tongue deep to tangle with hers and steal every hitched breath, made my cock twitch with excitement.

I could kiss her fucking crazy.

I could madden her with my mouth.

But not yet. I wanted her uncontrolled first. Untamed.

Wars are not won through a dogged pursuit of a moral right. That’s what society wants to believe because it’s easier to accept than systemic corruption among mankind. But in reality, victory is meted out by strategy and shrewdness. And by those who understand how crucial it is to always maintain the upper hand. It’s a constant power play.

And me and Lexi… Well, let’s just say I had a whole new understanding of the phrase “all is fair in love and war.”

So, I didn’t close the small distance between our mouths. Even when her expression turned carnal with want. Even as her teeth dug lasciviously into her bottom lip. Even as I felt downright hedonistic in my desire to tie her up and force her to take my cock as deep and filthy as she could, I kept that piece of chocolate between our mouths.

Lexi had her own plans.

Eyes locked on mine, she wrapped her voluptuous lips around the chocolate and sucked on it—as I still held it between my fingers.

My own mouth went dry as I watched the blatantly sexual woman before me wield the weapons the generous Lord gave her. Christ, she was lethal with them. She was melting the chocolate with the heat of her mouth, so she barely even had to bite into it.

I was about to fuck her raw on all fours on this rug.

Like a goddamn animal.

Because that was how I felt. Reduced to my very basest, primal desires.

I ripped open another piece of chocolate. “Again.”

With a knowing smile, she savored another sip of whiskey. But instead of holding the chocolate out for her mouth, I placed it in her hand this time. I have my own plans. The moment her teeth dug into the sweet, I leaned forward and sucked her nipple into my mouth through her cami.

She gasped. “Nico.”

That’s right, legs. You say my name.

I swirled my tongue around the peak, soaking the material of her top. After giving Copyright 2016 - 2024