Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,60

her with my cock right here on this chair.

I needed her to show me.

As I wondered whether or not she would obey my command, she seemed to be contemplating the same question. Then, miraculously, her slim fingers slid down her torso and opened her button. Next came the zipper. Then she took her sweet time slipping the painted-on jeans over her hips and down her thighs. As much as I appreciated the sensual way she moved every inch of that body, it was proving torturous to my self-control.

My fingers dug into the armrest. “Get them the fuck off already.”

Her mouth curved, her eyes half-lidded. “You didn’t specify how I should lose the jeans.”

“As fast as goddamn possible.”

She finally stepped out of them and kicked them away. Just like the cami, her microscopic panties were silky with a lace trim. Only these were black as the midnight sky, while her cami was a pretty ivory. Another enigma. On top was guileless innocence. Down below was confident siren.

But in that moment, all of Lexi was wanton and willing.

“Show me your ass,” I demanded. “I want to see how it looks in those little fuck-me panties. Let me see what’s been filling out those jeans so well.”

A coy smile touched the edges of her mouth as she rotated her hips and presented her back to me. As if anticipating my next command, she automatically lifted the cami a couple of inches so I could see everything.

I sucked in a breath. “There it is.”

Her cheeks spilled out the bottom, exposing matching dimples on the undersides that begged for my tongue to lave and my teeth to nip. This woman’s entire backside just needed to be sampled. When she bent over slightly, sticking it up in the air, I was teased with an image of her bent over my pool table, those firm, rounded cheeks cradling my dick as I drove it brutally hard into her.

And the overall shape of it… “It’ll be a perfect fit for my hands,” I murmured. “With those long legs, it’s at just the right height.” For a good, rough pounding.

That prompted her to give it a little shake.

I chuckled darkly.

She had no idea what beastly urges she was provoking inside me. No idea how quickly the tether leashing my restraint could snap if she pushed far and hard enough.

Balancing herself on her toes, like a graceful, naughty ballerina—enigma—she turned back to me. Her skin would be warm from the fire. Bet I could give her goosebumps if I placed my cool lips on the heated flesh of her neck, or the swell of her breasts.

I crooked my finger at her. “Bring that over to me.”

She bit her bottom lip. “What will you do when I get there?”

I chose honesty. “Destroy you.”

Her breath hitched.

My eyebrow went up. “Scared?”

Her sumptuous lips parted. “Intrigued.”

I spread my legs invitingly. “Prove it.”

As she sauntered toward me, I reached over to grab a piece of dark chocolate that I always kept in a bowl on the small table next to the chair. She watched my movements with curiosity gleaming in her cobalt eyes. After unwrapping the chocolate, I held it up in one hand and my Glencairn whiskey glass in the other.

“Since you seem to be such a fan of contrasts,” I rasped, “here’s one for you. This is a sweeter brand of bourbon whiskey. There’s notes of maple, vanilla, and caramel, making it rich and full-bodied.” I tipped my head toward the chocolate. “This is sea salt dark chocolate. The contrasting flavors will drive your taste buds crazy.”

She nudged my legs wider with her knees, making room for her to squeeze in between. My gaze dropped to the apex of her thighs, mere inches from my hands. The cami was covering most of her mons—but holy fuck. It would have taken no effort at all to pull those panties aside and get my mouth on her clit.

“Are you offering me a taste?” she whispered seductively.

My eyes darted to hers. “I’m offering you decadence.”

Which was exactly what Lexi personified. I was ready to fucking debase myself and gorge on her decadence.

“Who could turn that down?” She reached for the glass.

I pulled it back. “I thought Russians were snobby about their vodka.”

“And Americans are obviously snobby about their whiskey.” She licked her lips, her eyes lowering to my lap. “Doesn’t mean we can’t develop an appreciation for all kinds of different flavors.”

Fuck. Me.

I held out the glass. “Drink the whiskey first. Roll it around on your Copyright 2016 - 2024