Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,104

hell this is.”

Because if we were wrong and Sergei wasn’t involved, then I would hurt her unnecessarily. But if we were right and he was behind it all, then she would be devastated. Either way, I wasn’t ready to face her pain.

“Besides,” I added, “as far as I know, my deal with Sergei is still on. And as far as he knows, I’m still expecting a call from him whenever he’s handled his business and is ready for Lexi to return to Russia.”

Which will never fucking happen.

“Maybe you should consider extra security for the two of you,” Ace suggested. “What if Sergei’s planning an ambush to steal Lexi back without notice?”

“He has no reason to. He doesn’t know what we’ve learned. Nothing has changed with our arrangement. We’re still temporary in-laws until the day comes when he summons her back. So, we wait for him to come to us.”

“And when that day comes?” Luka prodded.

I stared him down hard. “We won’t let him go until we get some fucking answers.”

The big bastard smirked in approval.

“But in the meantime,” I emphasized, “we should all watch our backs. I don’t like how this is shaking out. Too many unknowns. Lock everything down tight, and call the second you have news.”

Effectively dismissing them, everyone rose to their feet and headed for the door. Luka slapped my back on the way out, a gesture that I returned. We were good. Emotions ran high in this family and arguments happened.

Cris passed me a look on his way out. “Call if any of this becomes too much. Seriously. Day or night.”

I bristled at the implication that I couldn’t handle the new role I’d assumed. But the rational side of my brain reminded me that I hadn’t given him a single reason to presume otherwise.

So, I just nodded.

Once everyone was gone and I was alone, I snatched a gold letter opener off Dad’s desk and flipped it over in my hand, testing its weight.

With an ear-splitting shout, I launched it across the room.

I stared at it sticking out from the wood paneling of the wall for a long fucking time.

Feeling like someone had just done the same thing to my newly-reassembled heart.

Three weeks later

“You should really be more alert on the streets, kotyonok.”

Startled, I gasped sharply and whirled around, dropping the plastic bag in my hands.

Dimitri stood on the sidewalk behind me in front of the drugstore I just exited, dressed much like he had been the last time I’d seen him. Hood pulled over his head, concealing part of his face, light jacket with a noticeable bulge beneath that I knew to be his gun holster, and heavy black boots. His hands were shoved in his pockets as he scanned up and down the street, presumably guarding against any potential threats.

“Dimitri.” I was still fighting to catch my breath. “You shouldn’t be here. I told you we can’t meet like this.”

Every time I’d go out in public, I wondered if he was watching from the shadows. I had to admit, it made me uneasy, even if I knew it was only Dimitri. Exactly how closely had he been keeping track of me?

This was a far more public location than when he’d ambushed me outside of Val and Enzo’s brownstone. There were restaurants on this street, businesses, parking lots. Lots of people milling about, any of whom could take particular notice to the two of us talking.

I scrambled to shove all the items scattered over the sidewalk back into my bag before he got a good look at what exactly I’d just purchased from the drugstore.

“I had to see you for myself and make sure you’re all right,” he grated. His gaze raked over me, as if to confirm I was still in good health.

I stood back up and shoved my hair out of my face. “I’m fine. Why? Has something happened?”

He flinched. What the hell did that mean? “I’ve just…heard things recently. I had to check on you in person.”

I frowned. “What things?”

He waved me off. “You don’t need to know the details. Suffice it to say, this situation isn’t safe for you anymore. I’m getting you out of Brooklyn.”

Clutching the plastic bag to my chest, I took a step back. “What are you talking about? What have you heard?”

He scowled as his gaze continued to sweep over the street. “Your husband is in league with the Firm, Alexia. The Rossettis helped Raphael Esposito escape prison and are now looking to reinsert themselves into the organization. Copyright 2016 - 2024