Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,103

“You sure about that? You’ve only known her a month. And no offense, but you’re not exactly an expert in relationships. How well do you actually know her, Nico?”

I jabbed my finger in his face. “I know her. I’d know if she was lying to me. I’d know if she was hiding something. She’s not part of this.”

Her reactions had always been too genuine to be fake.

Although she had been unusually calm during the shooting at Sergei’s compound. I’d thought at the time maybe it was shock…

But could it have been because she’d known the attack was coming?

No. Absolutely not.

Besides, what did that shooting have to do with Raphael’s breakout?

Lexi was just cool under pressure. Anyone who’d gone through the experiences she had would have come out the other end a little jaded. She’d almost burned to death, for Christ’s sake. She’d lived on the icy streets of Siberia at seven years old. She’d been adopted by the ruthless boss of the Russian mafia, a man known for his morbidly creative killing methods. And an obsessed stalker had once broken into her hotel room with fucking bolt cutters.

A few bullets zinging past her head was like child’s play.

Luka’s own anger erupted to the surface. “Oh, get your head out of your ass and think for a fucking minute! You want to sit behind that desk? Then do what Dad would do and be objective here. You have to consider the possibility that you were a pawn in this whole thing. Sergei and Lexi could have been using you this whole time to push their own agenda.”

I took a menacing step toward him. “Do not question me. I wouldn’t knowingly put my family in jeopardy.”

“I’m not questioning you. I’m questioning your wife.”

I lurched for him but got pushed back by Cris’s hand. Rome grabbed both of Luka’s arms from behind and held him back. “Easy. Cool the fuck off, both of you.”

I shook Cris off and stomped back behind the desk, using the gargantuan piece of furniture as a barrier between us. I really wanted to punch my own brother in the face, but I knew he was only saying what he felt needed to be said. Like me, he was just trying to do right by our family.

But he didn’t know Lexi like I did.

None of them did.

And it wasn’t like I could say I just knew she wasn’t capable of that. That it was a feeling in my gut. Seeing the skepticism on their faces would send me over the edge. Honestly, if the roles were reversed and I was in their shoes, I would probably have doubts, too.

But Lexi was innocent in this.

If I knew one thing in this world with absolute certainty, it was that.

She did say she would do anything for the man who saved her life…

I shoved those thoughts away.

She had her limits of how far she’d go for Sergei. I didn’t exactly know what those were, but I knew they were there. She’d made numerous comments that hinted of her condemnation of his mafia criminal activities. She wouldn’t come out and actually say it, but I knew she was ashamed of the way he made his living outside of Kozlov Industries.

“Fuck,” I spat.

Marching over to the credenza along the wall, I picked up the crystal decanter and sloshed a healthy amount of whiskey into a tumbler. Then I downed the entire goddamn glass in two gulps.

Slamming it back down, I faced them all once again. “Connelly, reiterate to your informants on the streets that they’ll receive a hefty compensation for any legitimate news regarding Esposito’s whereabouts.”

The detective nodded curtly.

We didn’t make a habit of exchanging bribes for information, but we tended to utilize that strategy in dire circumstances.

These were dire fucking circumstances.

“Ace, get me the security footage from Esposito’s escape outside the courthouse, as well as the footage from the shooting at Sergei’s compound.”

His eyebrows slammed together. “You think the two are connected?”

Maybe. “I don’t know yet.” But I have a hunch.

“Nico,” Cris said in a coaxing manner, causing me to tense. “I know you don’t want to hear this, man. But if Lexi has nothing to do with any of this, then maybe it’s time to use her connection with Sergei to our advantage. If he’s really behind the prison break, then she could be useful in tracking down Esposito.”

“Not gonna happen.” My cutting tone sliced through the air. “I’m not involving her in this until we have concrete proof of what the Copyright 2016 - 2024