Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,43

to make the senior team. It hadn’t taken my sister long to catch the eye of Brady Quinn, quarterback for our school football team and object of Sheila’s obsession. Sheila, not pleased with this development, had launched a campaign to discredit poor Nicky, who ended up getting caught with a baggie of pot in her locker and was promptly dismissed from the team.

It didn’t take much for me to figure out who had been responsible. High school seniors don’t tend to pay much attention to gangly fourteen-year-old girls, which is how I was able to overhear them talking in the girls’ bathroom, confirming what I already suspected.

I’d been found out and suspended for the Nair incident. The first serious mark on my ‘rap sheet’ I owed to this snake.

I carefully retract my claws and instead smile my brightest smile. “Sheila, how lovely of you. I’m sure you’ve met Rafe? Rafe, this is—”

“Mrs. Quinn,” he finishes, grinding his teeth.

“Oh, don’t be silly. It’s Sheila, remember?” she titters, and my eyes almost roll out of my head. “Nicky was on the parent-teacher board with me. We were the best of friends in high school.”

The poor kids, clearly picking up on the weird vibes around the table, are suddenly subdued at the mention of their mother. Their eyes furtively bounce from one to the other as their father mumbles something unidentifiable.

“Sheila.” An impatient voice sounds behind her, and I almost burst out laughing when I see the podgy, balding man appear behind her. Time has not been kind to Brady Quinn, who looks more like a tired, middle-aged car salesman than the fit, handsome jock he once was. “Let them eat their meal in peace, will ya?”

The smiling teeth disappear, replaced by thin lips pressed into a tight line. Two deep red spots form on Sheila’s cheeks as she swings around. “I’m paying my respects,” she hisses at her husband, who looks exasperated.

“Funeral woulda been a good place for that, not a family restaurant. Now let’s go.” He takes her arm and nods at Rafe. “Enjoy your meal.”

“She was Mommy’s friend?” Sofie asks incredulously, when all four of us watch through the window as Sheila angrily waves her hands in her husband’s face after being virtually dragged out to the parking lot.

“No, she wasn’t,” I state firmly, drawing a raised eyebrow from Rafe. “Well, she wasn’t. Your mom was much too sweet to be friends with…that woman.”

“You’re going to have to eat your dinner, guys, if you want churros for dessert,” Rafe quickly distracts the kids, who immediately start shoveling food in their mouths. Then he leans toward me and whispers, “Close your mouth, your fangs are showing.”


I linger outside Spencer’s bedroom after reading him his story.

Soft voices drift into the hallway from my little girl’s partially open door.

Sofie surprised me when she asked Taz to tuck her in. She hadn’t done that before.

I sneak a little closer when I hear my daughter’s soft giggle.

“Her hair fell out?”

I have to strain to hear Taz’s whispered response.

“Sheila had a bald spot for the rest of the year.”

“Did you get in trouble?”

“I was suspended for a week, but it was well worth it.”

Another fit of giggles escapes and a warm feeling settles in my chest at the sound. Both heads swing to the door when I push it open.

“Daddy, did you know Mommy was a cheerleader?”

I hadn’t known actually, but it suited her.

“It doesn’t surprise me,” I tell my daughter honestly as I approach her bed, leaning past Taz to kiss Sofie goodnight. “Don’t make it too long, Pipsqueak. It’s a school night after all, you need your sleep.”

As I walk out of the room I hear her ask Taz, “Will I like it? The farm in Kentucky?”

“I’m pretty sure you will. I think Grandma probably has some pictures she can show you.”

I’m no longer able to hear what is said when I make my way downstairs. The dogs are waiting by the back door, although for one of them it’s clearly too late.

By the time Taz comes down, Lilo and Stitch are back inside, I’ve cleaned up their accident, and a glass of wine is waiting for her on the counter.

“She wants to go,” she announces, smiling as she picks up her drink. “I actually think she’s excited about it. She just needed a little time to get used to the idea.”

“Good.” I tap my bottle against her glass and smile back. “Now, do I want to know what this business about hair falling Copyright 2016 - 2024