Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,42


The quaint little restaurant looks like something from the early settler days. A simple log façade, Dos Rios painted over the entrance with hitching posts on either side, makes it feel like we stepped through a time warp.

The kids aim straight for a booth opening up by the window and I follow behind, feeling the brush of Rafe’s hand in the small of my back. Already, in the few hours since he scorched me with that kiss, he’s found more reasons to touch me than in the previous months. It both excites and terrifies me. Especially with the many curious heads in the busy restaurant turning to watch our entrance.

I try to beat Spencer to the seat next to his sister, but I’m too slow and therefore relegated to the window seat on the opposite side of the booth. Rafe seems pleased as he slides in beside me, effectively boxing me in.

“A margarita, please,” I order, when the waitress stops by the table for our order of drinks. I’m not normally a big drinker but I have a feeling I’m going to need the reinforcements tonight. When she leaves us with the menus and toddles off to fetch our drinks, I cautiously peek around Rafe’s bulk to take in the restaurant before quickly averting my eyes to study the menu. As I feared, we seem to be drawing quite a bit of attention.

“Thirsty?” Rafe mutters under his breath, when I gulp down half my drink the moment the waitress sets it in front of me and turns to the kids to take their orders.

I ignore him and in as even a voice as I can manage, with his leg pressing against mine under the table, I place my order of enchiladas rojos.

Looking across the table at Sofie, I’m pleased to note she seems a little more animated tonight.

“I’m starving,” Spencer announces dramatically.

“They have to cook the food first, dummy,” his sister educates him.

“No name-calling, Pipsqueak,” Rafe quickly intervenes. “While we wait for dinner, we have summer vacation to discuss anyway.”

Sofie’s eyes dart between her father and me with worried anticipation.

“Not camp,” I reassure her.

“No,” Rafe confirms. “I think this’ll be more fun than that. Grandma and Grandpa are going on a little road trip to Kentucky with the RV, and they’d love for you guys to come with them.”

“Yay! Do we get to sleep in the RV?”

“I think that’s the plan, Spencer,” I contribute with a grin at his enthusiasm. Sofie, on the other hand, is not so easy to please.

“What’s in Kentucky?” She aims the question at me.

“A farm. We have a cousin who owns a horse farm there. He also has kids about your age.”

“Dad, have we ever been to Kentucky?” Spencer asks.

“We’ve never been anywhere,” Sofie bumbles under her breath.

It doesn’t go unnoticed by Rafe and he immediately has an answer ready. “You’re right, which is why this is going to be a great trip.”

“Kentucky is very pretty,” I add.

“And we get to sleep in the RV!” It’s pretty clear Spencer is on board. “Auntie Taz, do they got dogs?”

Before I have a chance to answer, Sofie announces, “We can’t go. Who’s going to look after Lilo and Stitch?”

“Your aunt and I will,” her father says firmly, as the waitress walks up with our plates.

Rafe is right; the food is amazing.

During dinner it’s mostly Spencer doing the talking. He needs to be reminded a few times not to talk with his mouth full, but it’s obvious his excitement is slowly rubbing off on his sister.

My delicious drink, the excellent food, and the general good mood at the table has me finally relaxing in my seat. The rest of the restaurant simply fades into the background.

“I hope you don’t mind…” My head snaps up to find none other than Sheila Mantle—I mean Quinn—standing beside our table, a predatory gleam in her eyes. “…for interrupting your cozy family gathering. I simply had to come say hello.”

Notwithstanding her toothy smile, I can virtually see the venom dripping from her mouth. Simply had to my ass. I didn’t trust her in high school when she was leading not only the cheering squad, but also the snarling pack of Eminence High’s own mean girls, and I certainly don’t trust her now. I’m pretty sure she’s never forgiven me for adding Nair to the conditioner in her locker after she had my sister kicked out of cheerleading when I was fourteen.

I never had any interest in it myself, but Nicky had worked hard Copyright 2016 - 2024