Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,14

I don’t want to pick fights, just learn how to fight back, you know?” He reaches down for his gym bag. “He says I need to build myself up.”

“It wouldn’t hurt to put some meat on your bones,” Lester says with a smirk, checking his watch. “Let’s go for a ride.”

Jamie throws himself into the Boxster and sinks into the bucket seat in record time.

Once I hear the creaking of the garage door rising, I return to the hallway and press the button on the lift for the first floor, feeling less out of control than I did this morning, but knowing there are a few things I need to attend to before Friday—Jamie’s future being one of them.


WHILE RICHARD BABYSITS THE boat, I’ve had Christian and the remaining members of the crew assemble in the lounge. Muscular men in deck shoes and polo shirts are sitting bolt upright on comfortable leather chairs; Sam and Bernie are sitting down and whispering something just out of earshot. As far as I’m concerned, they’re a friendly audience: I remind myself that I’ve faced worse classes, and the occasional board meeting at ASMI. This should go smoothly, but I’m about to ask for something above and beyond the call of duty.

I take a deep breath and dive in. “Okay, let’s get started. I think we all have a vague idea of why I’ve asked you all here. I don’t know what you’ve heard and, to be honest, it doesn’t matter. I’m about to spell everything out so there are no misunderstandings. Feel free to raise your hand and ask questions at any time.” I clear my throat. “Just over a week ago my husband, Ayden Stone, received some information via MI5 which suggested that we have become targets. Due to something that he’d been involved in—once again relating to the British Secret Service—he, or should I say we, had been added to a hit list. He made immediate arrangements to have me hidden away on this beautiful boat with you in an attempt to keep me out of harm’s way.

“It appeared to be working until he found out a few days ago that they were persisting in their search for me. The truth is, I’m still being hunted by people who are set on ending my life.” I pause, allowing them to process the information before continuing; their serious expressions indicate that my straight-forward explanation is holding their attention.

“Thanks to my husband and you, of course, I’ve remained out of their reach but, rightly or wrongly, Ayden has decided to put himself out there, assuming they will consider him an easy target compared to me. It’s a brave thing to do but also incredibly stupid. I can’t allow him to do that.” I take a sip of water.

I lift up the three-page document Bernice has printed out for each of us. “In front of you is my proposal. Of course, I’m new to this kind of thing and welcome your input.”

They begin reading the first page, glancing at each other occasionally, giving nothing away.

“I recognise that this is a very serious business, and I’m asking you to go above and beyond your existing job description. This is not what you signed up for.” I take their silence as a good sign. “Sam will be handling the press and social media and Bernie will be taking care of logistics. Once the bait—namely myself—becomes visible, we can expect a speedy response.

“I can’t see any flaws in my plan, but I’m way out of my comfort zone with this—you’re the experts. Let it be known that, with or without you, I will proceed, but there’ll be a greater likelihood of success if I have the benefit of your cooperation and expertise. With our combined skills and experience, I think we can do something less life threatening that will flush them out. We all know there’ll be an increased chance of successfully pulling it off if you decide to get involved. As this plan is time sensitive, wheels need to be set in motion tonight to give us the best chance of drawing them out.”

I turn to look at Luke on my right holding up his hand. “Can you tell us who we’re dealing with? These kinds of operations work best when we have intel. There’s no way we would walk into something blind.”

Bernie interjects. “If I may, Beth…”

To my relief, Bernie looks eager to volunteer information. She turns to face the crew. “There are two insurgents Copyright 2016 - 2024