Blue Moon #3 (Story of Us Series - Into the Blue) - Sydney Jamesson Page 0,13

should drive them.”

“I do, occasionally. Just don’t get the time.” By my watch it’s nine fifteen. “Are you done? Your mum will be wondering where you are.”

“Nah. She’ll be asleep on the sofa by now.” He carries on clicking.

Having checked all the cars, I notice Lester returning the bomb detector to what has now become its permanent resting place, folding the periscopic arm into itself and carefully positioning the mirror in the boot of the Rolls. Before Jamie finishes, he’s slammed it shut and is unlocking the Boxter on the driver’s side.

“Come on kid. It’s time to go.” He leans in and starts the engine, leaving it to warm up while he waits for Jamie to finish up.

I close my eyes and let the deep-throated purr transport me back to happier times; I picture Beth in the bucket seat, clambering out in my parents’ driveway in her short dress, cursing. The memory caresses my heart, making me smile at the recollection.

Time to get back to reality.

“Okay, I’ll leave you two to make tracks. See you next week, Jamie.”

He hits me full on with a beaming smile. “Yeah. I’ll be ready to go a few rounds…”

If only that were true.

“No doubt. Keep your head down until then.” We nod simultaneously with a mutual understanding of the unlikelihood of that making a difference. For now, his physical wellbeing rests in the hands of a playground bully and his minions.

But not for much longer…

He returns his camera to his bag, wipes his hand on his jeans and offers it to me. “Thanks. I know I was useless but I’ll work hard and I’ll get better.”

Remembering what a man with a skill-set very different to my own said a few days ago, I reply, “Horses for courses. I’ve yet to take a decent picture.”

With his confidence bolstered he comes back with a confident, “It’s not that hard. I’ll show you.”

“Good. Then we’ll trade.” From the corner of my eye I see Lester shaking his head, fully aware of the pretext of my mock ineptitude. He’s keeping his eyes on the concrete floor, saying nothing, pretending not to be listening in. We both know how important it is to have the kid leave with his pride intact.

I enter the hallway and see Jamie visibly grow a few inches. It’s no skin off my nose to let him think we have an equal footing. I know what it is to dread the hours between nine in the morning and four in the afternoon when some of the worst kind of tormentors come out to ‘play.’ Just because I had no one to fight in my corner doesn’t mean I can’t step up for him.

With the door still ajar, I watch him skirt the cars one more time, and listen in.

“How long have you worked for Ayden, Lester?”

“Around five years, give or take a few months,” replies Lester, in no rush to leave. Like me he’s living alone.

“Ayden’s a cool guy, isn’t he?” My mouth twitches.

Lester’s hand finds its way into his trouser pocket. “He’s a good boss, if that’s what you mean?”

“Yeah. But I mean, as a person—not just as a boss. He’s showing me how to defend myself.” He approaches Lester.

“Yeah, I heard.”

Jamie grins. “I’m not into taking sides or joining gangs and they don’t like that. See me with my camera and assume… Well, you know?”

“No. I don’t know…”

“Either I’m gay or I think I’m better than them. Some days they don’t even need a reason.” He leans back against the Porsche. “The other day I was bored in class so I started drawing. There’s this girl called Maria … and I drew her. But they snatched the drawing off me and gave her a witch’s nose and black teeth. Fucking ruined it.”


“Yeah. Then they gave it to her and said I’d drawn it.” He shakes his head in disgust. “She started crying. So I went up to the shithead who gave it to her and told him to tell her he’d ruined it.”

“And did he?”

“No. I shoved him and that’s when I got my face busted. And these.” He lifts his hoodie to reveal his grey/blue bruises. “I fell over and before I could get up…“

Lester‘s back straightens. “He kicked you while you were down?”

“Yeah.” He bows his head. “That why I called Ayden this morning to see if he could help out.”

He gives Jamie’s shoulder a friendly pat. “Good for you. He’ll be able to show you a few moves.”

“I hope so. Copyright 2016 - 2024