Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,15

of the local Trick of Dust Devils leaned against his motorcycle. Watching her.

Darius didn’t move to approach her. Didn’t attempt to hide his presence or to leave, so Genevieve nodded, knowing that despite the distance, he’d see.

There was potential between them. On more than one level. It was so big she’d shied away. Wanting to postpone it until they were done dealing with the immediate trouble of these sorcerers.

She wasn’t sure Darius would allow distance. At least not for long. But for that day he did. So Genevieve put it aside and stood, stretching and letting the magic of a new morning greet her. Letting the aches fall away. She’d eaten and visited with her friends. Even managed to help them. Now it was time to go home. Sleep a few hours before she got up to continue working on this mess.

And as she drove away, she saw Darius turn the opposite way, a cloud of dust in his wake.

Chapter Five

“I think you need to rest,” Rowan told Clive after she’d let Star out and then back inside.

“Daylight approaches. So you get your wish. Frankly, I’d prefer it if I could be awake during the light if for no other reason than to keep an eye on you.”

“I managed okay during the daytime for a long time before I got myself all hitched up with a Vampire.” And he was the one who had coughed up a wodge of gross dark stuff not too long ago. He was the one who’d been targeted by dark magics—in his body—and didn’t even know it.

“Stop panicking,” he said quietly as they went into her room.

“I can’t help it!” Rowan threw her hands up, frustrated and uncomfortable. “I can’t fight spells that lurk inside you. I can’t punch them or slice them in two. I’m helpless against something that could have killed you.”

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight for long moments. “We lead dangerous lives, darling Hunter. We have to accept that each time one of us is out of the other’s sight. Just like I accepted your worry that something was wrong with me after trying to access Lyr’s memories.”

“After I nagged you for an entire week.”

“Certainly. But I did accept it and you must admit you like to nag. Genevieve came and did her magic and I’m all right now. I have some answers and when I wake up at dusk, I’ll have more. But while I’m out today, you’ll be gallivanting around flaunting yourself in the face of myriad dangers. And I have to accept that.”

“I don’t gallivant!”

He just gave her Scion face and in the end she had to laugh because what else could she do other than curl up into a terrified ball and never leave the house again?

“I can’t ask you to stop worrying any more than you can ask that of me. That’s love, I suppose. All I can ask is that you do your very best not to get killed or maimed. Or at the very least save your maiming and killing of other creatures until I can watch since you’re so alluring when you’re killing things.”

“Are you flattering me into some sexytimes?” she asked, pulling her shirt up and off.


She laughed, easing a little. Falling into their back-and-forth and letting the magic of their relationship do its work.

“The dog can’t stay for this part, Rowan. I do have my limits, even with you,” he told her as she went to get him out of his pants.

Groaning, Rowan pointed at the bed she’d bought for Star. “I’ll be back in a bit if you want to nap. Or go visit with Elisabeth a while.”

That handled, she yanked Clive into his adjoining bedchamber, closing the door at her back to be sure they weren’t interrupted.

One-handed, she managed to get out of her clothes while she tugged at his. His laughter rolled over her skin as it was meant to. A sound only she got to hear.

Once they were both naked, Clive took her face in his hands. He brushed a gentle kiss over her mouth. “I’ve wanted you for days but admittedly after time continued to pass without any significant revelation from Lyr’s memories, I was concerned about what I might be dealing with and how it might have endangered you.”

“So you knew there was something wrong with how you couldn’t access Lyr’s memories and you still made me force you into this magical stuff.” Stubborn, stubborn Scion.

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