Blood and Blade (Goddess with a Blade #6) - Lauren Dane Page 0,14

helpful,” she told Genevieve. Yes, the rules about debt were a little different between friends, but it was always wise to avoid debt neither party wanted incurred.

“That’s what friends do for friends. We’re fighting the same enemy. We can work together when possible. That makes it more fun.” Genevieve winked before she leaned in to hug Rowan quickly. “Sleep well. I’ll see you later and we’ll talk about scheduling to get your entire property warded. What you have is fine. More than fine. But I’m better.”

Rowan laughed and watched Genevieve pull her sporty little car around the circular drive and head out, through the gates that opened for her.

* * *

It was clear to Genevieve that Rowan and Clive needed some time alone to process what had happened that night. Sunrise wasn’t so very far away so she took her leave and headed off into the desert.

She didn’t have a road in mind; instead she followed the pull of magic in the earth and let it guide her down one back dirt road after another until she knew it was time to stop and get out.

Out here, the desert smelled clean. A little spice of various plants hung in the air and she followed it on foot until she came to an outcropping of rocks overlooking the valley below.

Knew as she settled herself on the biggest, most stable rock, the earth welcomed her, held out the bounty of the magics stored there.

What she’d seen when she exorcised the darkness from Clive, what she’d felt needed to be released, had taken a toll on her system. She hadn’t told Rowan, who only would have worried. Genevieve knew how to siphon it off, drain it from herself but not create a toxic trap for anyone or anything else.

Lyr had been killed true-dead, yes. But what or who he represented remained. Tensed and ready to strike again. Ready to take whatever it wanted. The raw greed of that spell and the magics that had powered it couldn’t be allowed to continue unchecked.

The Conclave wouldn’t tolerate such toxic magics. Couldn’t and still continue to hold itself out as a governing body that protected those with magical gifts it claimed to represent. Moreover, that type of working was a violation of the Treaty, which exposed them to the judgment of Hunter Corp., which no one wanted. Genevieve knew Rowan and knew she would not stop until this threat was finally extinguished so it was better to do it together, share power and resources, than try to fight a war on multiple fronts.

That spell lurking in Lyr’s blood was connected to whatever power had created it. If Genevieve could follow it, she’d have a roadmap right back to the being she and Rowan were looking to eradicate.

Genevieve held her palms up in her lap, the backs of her hands resting lightly on her knees as she took a deep breath and then several more. Centering herself. Tuning in to whatever frequency the magic waited for her on so it could tell her what she wanted to know.

It would also take away the toxic, dark power. Cleanse it from her system and remove it so no other beings would be harmed.

Genevieve sang a spell. A very old spell she’d learned from her first teacher. That witch had thrown bones and read palms. She ingested cocktails of powerful roots and herbs to help her visions. She’d taught Genevieve how to rein her power in so it didn’t fry her brain. She’d given the tools to a very young witch so that young witch could ride that power and harness it with the cadence of words woven into a spell.

That jagged darkness flowed away from the ball she’d crushed it into. Left Genevieve completely, and in doing so, the potential for wrong, for injury and pain also left. Drifted away only to be pulled apart until it was nothing.

She sang away her fear and her worry for the future. Embraced her place in the world. Embraced her power and the pain that had gotten her that far.

The voices in her head ebbed at the song, relaxed and let the magic do what it needed to do.

When Genevieve came back to herself the sun had risen fully, casting a beautiful golden orange light over the desert in the valley below. Pockets of blue gray shadow held in between the rocks and rising mountains all around her.

And on the other side of the small ledge, across the desert floor, the leader Copyright 2016 - 2024