Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,72

to Rosie, most people think it’s some sort of ‘secret government facility.’ Then she said she overheard two local-looking guys mention ‘the pill man.’ It all adds up, if you ask me.”

Fergus once again suggested they reach out to Jay. “It shouldn’t take him more than one or two phone calls to find out whether or not it’s a government facility. And if it is, the question becomes, What do Corbett and his cronies have to do with it? It seems like a rather odd relationship, unless they are leasing the property to the government. But given what we’ve discovered about the so-called supplements, I am virtually certain that Dr. Corbett is running a pill mill. The FBI should be able to determine whether or not it’s drug related.”

“I think Fergus has a good point.” This time it was Nikki speaking.

Annie took the lead. “Then let’s contact him. What does everyone else think?”

Sounds of approval came through the air. Annie nodded to Myra and Charlotte. “Fergus, would you get in touch with him? See if the FBI knows anything about that piece of property.”

“Will do.”

Myra went down the list of what they knew. “Corbett is buying a Chagall, Steinwood has a car collection, and Marcus might be involved in drugs other than the ones he’s pushing.” Then she recited what they needed to find out. “What is in the safe? What does Marcus have to do with a drug runner and a jeweler?”

“I’ll have Avery send Eileen to the jewelry store, where she’ll pretend she is picking up something for Marcus. She’ll record the conversation,” Charles said.

“During the flight, we devised a plan. We have an appointment with Marcus tomorrow. We are going to be Charlotte’s referrals for the doc. I booked the conservatory at the Plimsoll Building for an impromptu cocktail party fund-raiser for the kennel club,” Annie said with delight. “We’ll bring it up during our appointment. I’ll mention I’m busy with a fund-raiser at the Plimsoll Building. It will go something like, ‘What a coincidence. You live in the Plimsoll Building?’ And then I’ll invite him.”

“Brilliant!” Fergus said proudly of Annie.

Another disembodied voice came over the phone. It was Isabelle this time. “Do you think he’ll go for it?”

“I am certain that Mrs. Marcus would be thrilled to show off her new friend, Countess Anna Ryland de Silva, to her group of dilettantes,” Myra said confidently.

“Myra and Charlotte can distract them while I go to their apartment and pick that safe,” Annie exclaimed with gusto.

Hoots and laughter bellowed through the phones. “If anyone can do this, we certainly can!” Myra said.

“Do we have our endgame planned yet?” Nikki asked.

“We need to find out what Marcus is up to and what’s on that property. We’re working on our plot for Corbett, and with the information from Avery about Steinwood, I’m formulating an idea,” Myra said.

“That’s my cheeky girl! If we can gather the missing pieces, we should be able to accomplish this very soon,” Charles interjected. “Should we alert Pearl?”

“We still have a few more loose ends, but yes, we can let her know we will be needing her help.” Myra continued, “Kathryn? Can you let her know?”

Kathryn groaned. “Sure. Okay.” She still had a thing with Pearl, and it was not necessarily a good thing. Myra kept assigning Kathryn to Pearl, hoping they could mend fences.

Charles wrapped up the conference call, informing them they would reconnect the following evening, after Myra, Annie, and Charlotte had met with Marcus. Perhaps Eileen would have more info by then, as well.

* * *

The next morning Byron served up a typical English breakfast for the women. “I didn’t know your schedule and wanted to be sure you were well nourished before you left.”

“Do all English gentlemen have a knack for food? I never thought of the British as being culinary experts,” Charlotte remarked.

“They. Are. Not. It doesn’t take a lot of expertise to fry up bacon, mash potatoes, and spoon out jam.” Annie laughed. “Take it from me. That’s the only wizardry Fergus can conjure in a kitchen.”

They helped themselves to the buffet and chatted about the day ahead.

Charlotte was getting giddy again. “What if I blow it? I might burst out laughing at some point.”

“We’ll blame it on the drugs!” Annie smiled devilishly.

“You can do this.” Myra placed her hand on Charlotte’s. “You don’t really have to say anything. Just remember to turn on the recording device on your phone. Obviously, without Dr. Marcus seeing you.”

“What about the shot?” Charlotte Copyright 2016 - 2024