Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,71

Annie’s brownstone. Days before, she had phoned ahead to be sure all the linens were fresh, the kitchen was stocked, and the house was well staffed. She didn’t know how long they would be there, but the staff was accustomed to Annie’s wild ways and always looked forward to her visits. She kept the brownstone for friends and family, and for those “other” times. Just in case.

When they arrived at the brownstone, they were greeted by the butler and housekeeper.

Annie introduced Byron and Jessica to Charlotte. They knew Myra well. “Charlotte, Byron has been with the family for over twenty years. Then he married Jessica and dragged her into service.”

Jessica made a slight curtsy. “Pleased to meet you, ma’am.” She nodded at Myra. “Lovely to see you, Mrs. Rutledge.”

Byron followed suit without the curtsy, making a short bow instead.

Charlotte took in the antique wood and the art. “This is beautiful, Annie. Thank you so much for your hospitality.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Annie winked. “Come. Let’s get you unpacked.”

* * *

Back in Aspen, Avery discovered the system Steinwood used for his security cameras outside his garage. Disabling it was a lot easier than Avery had expected. From the bucket of the utility truck, he was able to register the frequency, then clone the control panel that operated the cameras. With a few strokes, he jammed the frequency so whatever image the cameras were focused on would freeze. He figured he would only have a few minutes to get down from the bucket, enter the garage from the rear, take photos, and get the heck out. He shifted gears, and the bucket descended. He jumped out as soon as it hit the ground.

After skirting the perimeter of the garage, he found the rear entrance. The doors had two major security locks. All of Avery’s people carried pick tools, but he also had a neodymium magnet in a long sock, just in case. The problem with the magnet was its strength. That was the reason for the sock. It was the only way one could pull the magnet off from whatever it was stuck to. He hoped he didn’t have to use it. He also hoped there wasn’t a dead bolt on the other side. He inserted the tool in one lock, and it opened easily. The second went just as smoothly. He gripped the handles and took a deep breath as he pulled on the steel doors. They slid open, revealing four gleaming, beautiful sports cars.

There was an empty area where Avery figured Steinwood kept his Jaguar. He noticed another empty space toward the front. By the looks of it, Steinwood was expecting another addition to his collection. The Maserati. He snapped as many photos as he could in less than a minute and uploaded them to Charles. After checking that he hadn’t tracked in any dirt or left any footprints, he pulled the doors shut and reset the locks. He jogged back to the utility truck, reactivated the security cameras, and beat it out of there.

* * *

In London the women unpacked, changed into comfortable clothes, and convened by the cozy fireplace.

“Byron always knows what to do and when.” Annie made a sweeping gesture toward the fireplace and the three glasses of brandy sitting on a silver tray.

They sat in a circle on the floor, waiting for the call from Charles and Fergus. Charlotte looked completely relaxed; Annie and Myra were ready to pounce. The ding of the tablet made the three of them jump.

“Hello, love!” Charles’s face appeared on the tablet, with Fergus looking over his shoulder. “Did you have a good flight?”

“Lovely, darling,” Myra answered.

“Yes, lovely,” Charlotte echoed. Then Annie.

“Don’t keep us in suspense. What is the latest from Avery?” Annie pleaded.

“Steinwood has a pristine collection of fine sports cars. Seems like he’s adding something to his mix,” Fergus informed them. “That would make six altogether.”

“Excellent. We can get Kathryn on that part of the mission. She knows every car hauler on the road,” Myra said.

“What do you have in mind?” Charles inquired.

“Annie and I have been discussing how to make this an unmitigated disaster for them.”

“Do tell,” Charles implored.

“Yes! Please!” and a variety of pleading voices came from the background.

Annie and Myra chimed in together, “Hello, Sisters! Everyone okay?”

Lots of chatter came from the other side.

“We want everything to happen on the same day. If we do it piecemeal, it won’t have the same humiliating effect,” Myra answered.

“Agreed,” they chorused.

Kathryn shared the information she had obtained from Rosie. “According Copyright 2016 - 2024