Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,42

He peered into the velvet drawers and had not the slightest bit of remorse when he removed a gold bangle bracelet with five carats total weight in diamonds. If he recalled, it had been appraised at fifteen thousand dollars. That would do him for a bit, provided he could talk Franny into trading that way. He’d even offer Franny a good discount.

He pocketed the bracelet and moved some of the others around. The tennis bracelet would also fetch a good sum. Probably ten thousand dollars. He was so gleeful he almost had an erection. He couldn’t remember the last time that had happened. Yeah. Certainly not since he had married that gold digger. Men were idiots. He should be getting something out of this. But then he consoled himself with the cleverness of his new plan. He surveyed the area. Everything was in place.

* * *

Eileen watched as Marcus left the building and walked toward the Underground. She quickly followed and got into step with him. There were several people walking at the same pace, so it was not obvious that she was following him, not that he took any precautions to prevent being followed. When she had the opportunity, she pretended to rub her eye and spoke into the sleeve of her shirt, ticking off details of Marcus’s movements. He entered the Underground station and it appeared that he was heading toward the other side of the city. She slipped into the same subway car and kept an eye on him. After about twenty minutes, Marcus exited the train. Eileen followed.

When he got out to the street, Marcus headed to a very fine jewelry exchange. Eileen couldn’t risk getting too close, so she tried to pretend she was admiring some of the items in the store window. She could see Marcus speaking to a gentleman at the back of the store. Eileen snapped a photo of the gentleman with her wristwatch and sent it off to Avery with the name of the shop. In a very short time Marcus started heading toward the door and once he was back outside Eileen quickly turned away, and she watched him through the reflection in the window. He was heading back toward the Underground. Again, she kept a safe distance and continued to follow Marcus until he returned to his office. He had the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. Eileen was sure to capture that particular “Kodak moment.”

* * *

Marcus felt as if he were walking on air. The jeweler had swallowed the story about replicating the bracelet: the wife wanted to be able to wear it anywhere without worrying about losing it. The jeweler said it would take two days. The cost was three hundred pounds. He would ask Franny if he wanted the whole piece or just the diamonds. Another stroke of genius—he would offer the rest of the piece free. That should satisfy Franny O’Rourke.

His next challenge was getting through the week with the small supply of cocaine he had on hand. He could chop up some of the pills they had locked away in the vault, but he knew he would have to pay top dollar to replace them. Maybe he could curb his urges a tad.

Chapter 23


Charles brought the group up to speed with the information that had been coming in. “As you know, Avery is in Aspen, Sasha’s in New York, and Eileen’s in London. As you can see from all the blueprints Isabelle procured, the three offices have almost the exact same floor plan. Eileen planted a bug in the reception area to find out when the office would be clear for her to plant a few more, and Avery has already bugged the office in Aspen. Today he’s going to stake out the mysterious garage on Steinwood’s property.

“Eileen spotted a rather grungy-looking bloke leaving the office in London and took a photo. We ran it through the channels, and it turns out this person is a two-bit criminal named Jerry Hardy. Breaking and entering, shoplifting, and purse snatching. Also, several arrests for drug possession, to wit, pot and cocaine. It appears he has some connection with a drug concierge named Franny O’Rourke.”

Charlotte tentatively raised her hand. “May I ask what a drug concierge is?”

The women began to giggle.

Myra placed her hand on Charlotte’s. “Don’t mind them. They can be a little jaded.”

“Jaded? Us?” The sisters cackled with glee.

Charles cleared his throat and continued, “A drug concierge is someone who procures special orders for Copyright 2016 - 2024