Bitter Pill (Sisterhood #32) - Fern Michaels Page 0,41

were any more apathetic, she would be the one in a coma, Marcus thought. Not a bad idea, either. Nah. Too messy. Already dodged one of those.

“I thought I might meet some chaps at the pub. Throw some darts. You know, typical stuff.” He was making it up as he went along, although he would actually stop at the pub after he made the trip to a jeweler’s. He planned to go to the other side of town, just in case Norma had a better nose for diamonds than she did for perfume.

Why on God’s earth does the most expensive perfume smell like Pine-Sol on vomit? Marcus wondered. Norma probably didn’t care what it smelled like. She cared only that she could tell everyone the price tag. Cripes, she is a lot like Corbett. He was stunned at the thought. Wow. Some psychoanalyst would have a field day with that one.

“Julian? Julian? I asked what time you thought you’ll be home.” Norma snapped him out of his fantasy of choking her.

“Sorry, love. I thought I heard someone calling my name. Dunno. Depends on whether or not I’m winning, I suppose.” Marcus faked a chuckle.

“All right, dear. Then I won’t rush back. The girls and I might take in a flick. Ta.” Norma ended the call without saying anything else.

It was late morning. Norma and her friends usually met around one. He had some time to see a patient. Finally. He couldn’t blow off the same person two days in a row. He needed the money, and he never wanted anyone to be able to post bad reviews, even though they paid a lot of money to a cyber company to ensure that none saw the light of day.

* * *

Eileen would use the same tactic as Avery had in Aspen. She would go into the office, pretend she was lost, and plant a bug. She could study the blueprints while listening in once she got back to her room.

After tucking all her hair under the cap, she pushed open the white, frosted-glass door. The room was filled with the aroma of lavender and vanilla, and New Age music played in the background. Exactly the way Avery had described the office in Aspen. Two women in their midfifties sat behind a white counter that held two orchid plants. Both women wore white lab coats. The one wearing big black-framed glasses spoke first.

“Hello, love. Welcome to Live-Life-Long. How can we help you?” She had a lovely London accent.

“I feel sooo foolish.” This time Eileen feigned a Southern accent. “I got off the subway. Ah believe y’all call it a toob?” She let the word linger. “Well, anyhoo, I was supposed to meet a friend at a café somewhere around these here parts, and I got myself all turned around!”

“There are several, dear. Do you have a name?” the second woman asked.

“Let me check. I know I put it in my bag. Hang on!” Eileen faked fumbling in her bag and let a few things fall onto the counter. As she was placing the items back in her purse, she surreptitiously slapped a listening device on one of the orchid pots. “Oh lordy, here it is.” She pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that had once been a receipt and pretended to read it. “Café Druid.”

The women smiled politely and gave her directions.

“Thank you, ladies, so very much. Y’all have yourselves a nice day.” Eileen turned to leave and to look for another spot from which to observe the office until Marcus left the building.

He left much earlier than she had expected. Within a few minutes of her exit, he was already out the door. He was heading toward his flat. Eileen kept an eye on him as she quickly walked over to a souvenir vendor and bought a different cap. She ripped off the tags and threw them and her previous cap in a trash bin.

As she continued to follow him, it became even clearer that he was heading home. Maybe for lunch? She spoke into her sleeve to record his movements. They neared the entrance to his building, and Eileen slowed her pace as she watched him enter. She would find a place to wait.

* * *

Marcus entered his apartment, anticipating that Norma had already left. He was correct.

He walked into the large closet that contained the safe and punched the numbers. As an additional feature, the safe accepted only his or Norma’s fingerprints when the numbers were punched in. Copyright 2016 - 2024