The Billionaire's Revenge (The Blank Check #6) - Jeannette Winter Page 0,33

that line. “Well that makes one of us.”

“Why are you so angry,” he asked.

“Because…” Because I’m angry at myself. “Marvin, I don’t owe you any explanation, and really I don’t want to hear yours if that is what this is all about. I’ve moved on. I wish it never happened.” But she knew wishing didn’t make it so.

“Are you telling me that it was that horrible?” he asked.

She had decided not to lie about it any longer. Did that include lying to Marvin? “No. It wasn’t terrible. I had some good times with you, but it was wrong to do.”

“No one got hurt,” Marvin said.

“So you think. But that’s not the case,” she sighed.

“Oh baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you. You meant so much to me. If I knew what I was doing made you feel this way, I’d have stopped it. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. It’s over. It’s done,” she said.

Marvin said, “Let me take you to dinner and make it up to you.”

She could hear Jordan’s voice in her head. He’s not going to give up. He’ll do anything to win you back. He’s obsessed. Gianna didn’t believe it at the time, but Marvin wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“Marvin, can you please do me one favor?” she asked.

“For you baby, anything,” he said.

“Good. Go crawl back under the rock you came out from under. I don’t want to see or hear from you again!” She snapped and ended the call.

Gianna had no intention of letting someone like Marvin back into her life. He was toxic and she wasn’t going to lose everything because of him. Her phone rang again and it was Marvin. What the hell! She didn’t answer it. Instead she went into her phone setting and blocked his call. She wasn’t going to change her mind and eventually he’d get the hint and move on. One thing she knew about him was he didn’t waste time on anyone for long.

And I’m not wasting another second on him.

She felt…exhausted. This was all more stressful than she’d have thought. No way was she going to meet up with Mary-Lou or anyone else tonight. All she wanted to do now was go to bed and have a good cry. Maybe if she got it all out, tomorrow would be better.

And maybe Jordan will want to speak to me again.


“I know it’s a family run business, but we have plenty of people who are not Lawsons working here already. We all want, hell we need, more time for ourselves. Tell me it wouldn’t be nice to have someone do tasks which weren’t detrimental to our business?” Jordan said.

Seth replied, “We do have employees for that. Maybe you’re not utilizing them properly. What is it specifically that you require?”

A clone of myself.

At this point, Jordan wasn’t sure even that would suffice. “I know we have staff. And I know Dad ran the business all by himself. Lawson Steel has expanded beyond even what we thought was possible.”

“I would have to say our cousins might have had a hand in that. They’re very influential overseas,” Seth stated.

Jordan hated the fact the Hendersons were getting credit for all the years of hard work that he and his brothers put in. He also wasn’t ignorant to the fact that the Hendersons just as easily could’ve blocked every move Lawson Steel made. “Don’t tell me you want their help now to resolve our issues. There’s a huge difference between the Hendersons giving us a good reference and giving them any access to the company’s confidential information.”

“I wasn’t suggesting we merge,” Seth replied.

“Good. We’ve come a long way with them but people aren’t always what you think they are,” Jordan stated bitterly.

“Are we still talking about our cousins, because the look on your face says it’s something else. Does this have anything to do with why you blew off the meeting earlier this week?”

“It did. But it’s not an issue any longer,” he replied. Jordan hadn’t spoken to Gianna since Wednesday. It was his choice not to contact her, but he was still shocked she hadn’t reached out to him either. He didn’t know what he wanted her to say, but damn, he missed hearing her voice. Somehow even this short period felt like an eternity. It only proved to him further, that she’d gotten to him like no one else ever had.

“I’m not sure I believe that Jordan. Want to talk about it?” Seth asked.

“Do I look like I want to?”

Seth laughed. “You look Copyright 2016 - 2024