Billionaire Undercover - J. S. Scott Page 0,72

virtual interviews this week that went pretty well. When I did the one scheduled for today, I was offered the job on the spot.”

“What company?”

I told him, and then watched as a disgusted expression formed on his face. “You’d fucking hate it,” he said gruffly. “They still do mostly dirty gold mining. You wouldn’t be working on remediation, prevention, or new ways to decrease the environmental impact of mining. You’d be too damn busy running from one cyanide or mercury disaster to the next. They don’t give a damn about sustainable mining.”

“I know. But what if I could help them change that?”

“Taylor, if you spoke up instead of towing the line with that company, they’d squash you like a bug. Don’t do it,” he warned ominously.

“The salary is decent, and I don’t have to stay there forever.”

“And where exactly would you be?”

“Their headquarters are in Nevada,” I said. “I’ll probably have to travel—”

“Taylor,” he growled.

I closed my mouth waiting for him to speak.

“I’m about to ask you for favor number two,” he rumbled in an ominous voice.

My eyes widened. “If you’re going to start harping about the money again, then don’t bother. I’m perfectly capable of getting a job.”

God, Hudson was so amazingly hot when he started his alpha male bullshit. Not that he intimidated me at all, but watching his face when he turned into a beast made my entire body tingle in response.

He glared at me. “I already told you that I wouldn’t bring that up again. But feel free to raise the subject if you’re feeling ready to accept it.”

“I’m not,” I said adamantly. “So if it isn’t about the money, let’s hear it.”

“I really want you to take that job at Montgomery. You know that particular team would be a great fit, and it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve taken an intern into a permanent position. I don’t want you to go with another company. Jax and Cooper are both hoping you’ll decide to stay, too. This isn’t me doing you a favor. I’m asking you to do one for me. You’re much too intelligent to be happy in some entry level position at another company that doesn’t give a damn about the geological damage they’re doing.”

Was Hudson asking me to do something I thought was immoral or unethical? No, no he wasn’t.

He was being truthful about the fact that Montgomery had pulled outstanding interns into a permanent position, too. Harlow had started with Montgomery as an intern, and she’d advanced up the ladder over time.

I felt almost anxious at the thought of grabbing something I didn’t think I’d see for years, until after I’d paid my dues in a junior position at another company.

It wasn’t like I wanted another company. Montgomery had always been my goal for the future.

But deep inside, I didn’t know if I was ready for Montgomery yet. Plus, maybe I still thought that Hudson was offering the job because of this…not-friendship-but-really-not-lovers-either kind of relationship we had going on.

I held his eyes as I answered, “Please don’t tell me that you couldn’t find someone more qualified than me for that job.”

He shrugged. “There’s always a benefit in taking on a new grad, especially one like you. It’s not always great to end up with a more experienced geologist. If they haven’t worked in a company like mine, it’s very likely that they could have some bad habits. Plus, you are less expensive since we’d be starting you at a lower level until you get through your initial training, and the probationary period.”

“How cheap will I be for you?”

Hudson nonchalantly named a starting average salary, and then told me what I’d get out of training and probation.

I gaped at him. “That’s really…high.”

“That’s the going rate at Montgomery for that position. It’s not like I’m making it up. We value your education, and we’ll even offer some assistance once you’ve worked for us for a year to help you get your doctorate if that’s what you want.”

I swallowed hard.

How could I not take the job that was being offered to me? I’d have to be crazy if I turned him down. It was everything I wanted, including tuition assistance to do a doctorate in the future.

The salary was kind of crazy, but Montgomery had always been known as one of the best paying employers out there for geologists. “Is this really what you want? Am I really ready to jump into a team right now?”

Finished with his dinner, Hudson pushed his plate back Copyright 2016 - 2024