Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,88

to love if she’d let me.

You sound as crazy as Fenton.

That wanker was getting slapped with a protection order as soon as we settled back at the hotel. I was done with her being afraid. And I was done keeping things from her. I’d tell her everything tonight. I first needed to tell the lads about Rowan, because we needed to set plans in motion. And I’d warn them. My secrets, unfortunately, were their secrets. I had to tell them first.

She turned her head to smile at me. “You know, you’ve been holding on to me like you think I might run.”

“I’ll find you if you do. “

“And if I don’t want to be found?”

I lifted a brow. “Do you not want to be found?”

She laughed, the sound so light, it elevated me out of the darkness of my thoughts. “That’s not the point.”

“I already told, you. We are happening. I can be only so patient.”

She licked her lips, and I watched her tongue with rapt interest. “I’ll deal with Dexter and the house and all of that. You’re right. It does seem like we are inevitable.”

I lifted my brows. “Did I hear that correctly? Did you just say I was right?”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“I know. It’s my best tra—”

The car hit a slick patch and we fishtailed. I immediately tightened my hold on Livy’s hand and the hand grip above the door. Livy gasped, then squeezed her eyes shut tight. Our driver muttered what sounded like an expletive as he fought to control the car.

We finally came to a stop at the side of the road, bumping into one of the guard rails. The mini collision jostled us in the back seat enough to make my teeth rattle.

I reached for her immediately. She had her fingers to her temples and rocked back and forth. “Livy! Livy, you all right?”

Todd, our driver, turned around. “Sorry about that. Let me just get quick photos for the accident report. I’m sure it’s minor, but still.”

I wanted to rip him a new arsehole, but right now my concern was her.

She kept holding her head. “Ben…”

I unlatched my belt so I could pull her close and rub her back. “Yeah, I’m right here. I will have him severely reprimanded just as soon as we get you back. Let me call a doctor and have him wait for us at the hotel.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m fine. I just—” Her dark eyes met mine. “I remember.”

“Remember what?”

“The accident. Just now. We started to spin, and I could see it.”

“Fuck, I’m so sorry. The last thing I wanted was to have you triggered.”

Livy grabbed my arm. “No, it’s a good thing. I wasn’t driving. He was.”

My eyes went wide. “Just when I think he couldn’t be more of an asshole he surprises me.”

“Can you take me home?”

“Over my dead body. You need to get checked out. And I’m not letting you near him.”

“Ben, I’m fine. You’re fine. At most, we have a few scratches on the car. It was more a scare than anything else.”

I ground my teeth. “I’d like to be sure.”

“And I’d like to take care of this once and for all. He’s stolen enough of my life from me. I want this done.”

“Fine, but I’m staying with you.”

“You will do no such thing, Ben Covington. You were right. We are inevitable. But you have to let me do this my way.”

“If you think I’m going to leave you behind, you’ve grossly underestimated my desire to keep you safe from harm. Not bloody happening.”

Her lips pressed together, and I could sense that she was going to unleash her barely contained rage. “I won’t be able to do this with you there. Can’t you see that?”

I could but I didn’t care. “Answer is still no.”

She dragged in a deep breath. “Fine. Leave me with Todd here. He doubles as security, right?”

He did, but clearly, he was a git who couldn’t drive. “No. Not him. He doesn’t take enough precautions with your life.”

“For the love of God. It was an accident.” She crossed her arms and I could see the gears in her brain working. She wouldn’t let any of this go until she’d dealt with pencil dick.

“Fine. I’ll call and have someone meet us there, and Todd can take me back to the hotel. Call me when you’re done, and I’ll pick you up myself.”

She threw up her hands. “You are the most stubborn, obstinate, pain in—”

I lifted a brow and took one of her hands Copyright 2016 - 2024