Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,66

not enough for a beignet habit. Please.”

He frowned as he took another beignet and sat in the seat across from me. “Why do women always do that? I think you look great.”

“Do what?” A flush crept up my neck, and I couldn’t help but run my teeth along my bottom lip. I could still feel his lips on mine, his tongue sliding over my own. I could taste him still. I shook my head to clear it.

“Act like they’re not already fucking perfect. I promise you, whatever imperfections you see on your body, we never notice. We’re just thrilled we’re about to shag.”

Now I would be thinking about him shagging. Damn it. I didn’t need that visual if I ever wanted a good night’s sleep again. “Right. Um, thanks for breakfast.”

He pushed to his feet. “Of course. There’s another thing too.”


“We have corporate housing. And I don’t want you staying on your own or going where your boyfriend would be.”

I noted the way he said boyfriend. “Yeah well, he’s not my boyfriend anymore. I just need to find time to tell him that.”

“That’s good. That’s great. I still don’t want you over there. I want you safe.”

“I have a perfectly good apartment. I just need to find him, break up with him officially, and then get my keys, change the locks, that sort of thing.” Although I had no idea which one of us would get to keep the flat if I was being honest. And Fenton knew where it was, so I didn’t exactly feel safe there.

“Right, and all that takes a little bit of time, so in the meantime, corporate housing. I can get you on the list today. If you can stay with Telly for the time being, I’ll get you in.”

My hands shook as I wiped away the sugar on my fingertips. Now was not the time to freak out. I could have a crisis later. When I was alone and could cry on the tube like a normal person. “I haven’t really thought much further than notify him he’s a horse’s arse. I suppose I can keep sleeping on Telly’s couch. I’ll look into the corporate housing, thank you. But I know how expensive those flats can get. I’ll start looking for a flat mate I guess too.

His teeth grazed his bottom lip, and this time it was my turn to be riveted. “Okay, listen, don’t be weirded out.”

I grinned. “Guaranteed way to weird me out.”

“I have a place for you to stay. You’d basically have your own wing of a giant loft.”

“Here in London? Whose first born do I need to slaughter first?”

“Yes, here in London. After the mugging and attempted second mugging and that bollocks last night, I’m concerned about you.”

“About what? I’m perfectly safe.” Even I realized how dumb that sounded as the words came out of my mouth.

“Do you really feel safe? With Fenton Mills running around?”

I frowned. He had a point. “I don’t live with Fenton.”

“But you do live with Dexter. Who doesn’t seem to heed your concerns when you say you’re worried or scared.”

I sighed. “Fair point.”

“I don’t want you back over there until I can go with you myself to get some of your things.”

“You sound like Telly. I don’t need a babysitter.”

“No one’s saying you do. But the way Fenton grabbed you last night proves he’s dangerous.”

“I know. I get it. I’m not an idiot. I just want my life back.”

“I know. In the meantime, for a few nights stay somewhere safe where you have privacy. I don’t know what the situation is with your friend Telly.”

“The couch is comfortable.”

“While we wait on corporate housing, you will have your own suite and your own bed.”


“It’s a double-suited loft at the hotel property next door, so you would basically have your own wing. And your own key to a door.” He cleared his throat. “With me.”

I blinked. Then when I couldn’t think of anything to immediately say, I blinked again. He couldn’t be serious. “And we’re just going to be what, roommates?”

He nodded. “Yes. No funny business. Just for a few days. Until we get your flat sorted.”

I wanted to fight. I didn’t need him taking control of my life. “You recognize I can take care of myself.”

“And no one’s saying you can’t. I think you’re incredible. Jessa can’t stop talking about how amazing you are. And you single-handedly saved me from a lorry.”

“I did save you, didn’t I?”

He grinned. And the smile melted my insides and exploded Copyright 2016 - 2024