Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,63

surprised even me. Was it always this cold? And why the hell did I care? It had never bothered me before. I had loved this place so much when I first purchased the townhouses and renovated them. I’d done it for Lila. But then, while standing in the house I’d bought for her, she told me she was going to marry my father instead. She’d broken me right there by the fireplace. But I couldn’t bring myself to sell it even though she ruined me here.

Bridge was the first one to arrive since he lived nearby, and he chuckled when he took in the sparse decor. “You’re not here much, are you?”

I frowned at him then immediately winced when the skin above my eye protested. Those motherfuckers had gotten a few good shots. He knew I preferred staying in the loft. “Why do you say that?”

“It’s beautiful, but there’s nothing warm about this place. No one lives here.”

I shrugged. “You’re down the street. You can use this as your?pied-à-terre. Your bachelor pad if you need it.”

He shook his head. “I don’t need to escape Mina.”

I ground my teeth, mostly because it helped me keep my mouth shut. He was one of my best mates. I wasn’t going to say a damn thing about his fiancée. I knew better.

East arrived next through the kitchen entrance. He made himself a drink before heading to the living room and ran his fingers over the island in the kitchen. “Jesus Christ, you have a nicer kitchen than I have. And you don’t cook.”

“I cook. I only said I don’t know how. But there’s no point cooking at the hotel, and I’m never here, so…”

“Waste of a beautiful kitchen.”

Drew showed up last. I was surprised he showed up at all if I was being perfectly honest. The moment he walked in, he whistled low. “You look like shit, mate.”

I nodded my chin at him. But even the small motion caused my head to thump as if an elephant just kicked me at the back of my skull. “Well, mate, you look just as lovely as ever.”

Drew grinned and rubbed his jaw. “For once, I’m prettier than you are.”

“Fuck off, I’m still prettier.”

It was Bridge who got to the point. “What the fuck happened?”

“Well, I went on a run this morning to meet Blake Boynton and got jumped by a couple of professionals.”

East’s brows furrowed at that as he glanced up at me, but he didn’t say anything.

“They must be watching me because I took a route that I don’t run often. I took the tube to Regent’s Park. I was pushing myself pretty hard, and they knew where to find me and ambushed me.”

Bridge cursed. “This smacks of the Elite.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. No one else I know wants me dead. I sent you lot pictures already. I don’t recognize them as any of the fixers on the payroll. Judging from their accents, they’re from South London.”

East ran a hand over his face and then rubbed at the stubble on his jaw. “Okay, let’s just go through it. They know someone accessed data but have no idea who. Why would they even target us?”

Bridge rolled his shoulders. “Unless this isn’t about us at all. Maybe it’s just about you, Ben. Van Linsted thinks you’ve gone unchecked for far too long. This might be his retaliation for the dustup at the fundraiser.”

“What, with murder?”

He shrugged. “Or maybe they do know we’re after them, and they’re going to pick us off one by one. Together we’re too powerful, but if they just take aim individually, make us weak, they could have a shot.”

I scowled into my glass before draining it. “Unless it’s only certain members of the Elite.”

Drew’s gaze ping-ponged between the three of us. “Do you lot hear yourselves? I know your focus was strategy and business, but you’re talking about murder here.”

We all lifted our heads to glance at him. I had no idea why he was shouting. East looked perplexed. And Bridge, well, Bridge had no expression. But that was normal.

I was the one who asked him the obvious question. “What are you talking about, Drew?”

“Mates, you’re casually talking about how someone tried to take Ben out.” He put the ‘take Ben out’ in air quotes. “When did this become us?”

We all continued to stare at him. My anger rose closer and closer to the surface. It was only mostly toned down because I’d used up most of my adrenaline earlier.

“You’re kidding me, Copyright 2016 - 2024