Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,62

the left smirked at me, while the one on the right looked like he didn’t like that idea at all. He was all business. His friend, though, took pleasure in their assignments.

Note to self: Do the one on the right first.

The one on the left made his approach, and I circled around, keeping my eye on the guy with the lighter sandy hair.

Sandy hair reached for his weapon, and I shook my head at him. “Uh-uh. No, no. Where’s your sense of sport? Tell you what, if I can beat your friend here, you can kick my ass. Does that sound like a fair deal?”

He chuckled. His accent was all South London. “I’m going to kick your arse anyway, bruv.”

“Ahh, just a moment ago you looked like you were going to pussy out and shoot me. Let’s at least make it entertaining.” Taunting the guy with the gun when I was unarmed was possibly not my best idea to date.

But it was all I had. This likely would get into the open street.

I thought it would be the dark-haired guy, but it was the other one who pulled me in. He launched at me first with a quick flurry of fists. Some I managed to duck; others landed too low. My side burned and I coughed.

But as he aimed to kick me, I swiftly turned, grabbing his foot and then delivering my own kick straight to his groin.

His eyes went wide and then slightly crossed. He cursed at me, and I released him, rolling out of the way. Quickly, he was back on his feet.

His mate lunged for me. He was slower. Less trained. But he was still fast enough to make me worried. It was one thing fighting with Martin, my trainer, or with Bridge and East and Drew. These guys were looking to kill. The dark-haired bloke lunged for me again. I took one to the face, but I landed a few of my own. A quick succession of two jabs and a hook.

His friend on the ground started to make motions like he was getting up. He was reaching for something.?His gun? No thank you, I wasn’t getting shot today. I landed another quick uppercut and grabbed the nearest thing to me.

Anything to use as a weapon. In this case, it was a pipe. I was going to do whatever I had to do to survive. These wankers weren’t going to kill me on the streets of London and call it a random mugging.

Fuck no.

With my fingers wrapped around the pipe tight, the dark-haired one lunged at me, but I deliberately kicked, and he staggered back and fell. Before his mate could get up, I swung that pipe, hitting him on the back of the neck. The crunching sound made my stomach turn, but now wasn’t the time to get queasy. I had a feeling I wasn’t supposed to walk away from this today. Well, they were in for a surprise. I didn’t go down easy.

The other one pulled me in, and I delivered a series of knees then a straight jab to the nose. I waited until he sagged to the ground before I let up. He was out. A quick pulse check told me he was still alive, but there would be no answers forthcoming from him. So I picked up his mate by the shirt collar and asked, “Who sent you?”

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, brilliant. While you’re not exactly my type, I applaud you for giving it a shot.” Jab. “Who sent you?”

“Like I said—”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard you the first time. Fuck you.” I hit him again, and his head just lolled back. I didn’t even bother looking at my hands. I knew they’d be covered in blood.

I’d known when we agreed to go after the Elite this was going to be messy. I’d known it was going to get worse before it got better. But I hadn’t known that it would be an open battle in the streets.

But now that I knew, I had the upper hand. I’d be ready. They wouldn’t catch me unaware again. I just had to warn the others and make sure that I could keep Olivia safe, because she didn’t know she had walked into a viper’s nest.


I opted for my townhouse for our little regroup. It somehow felt more private than my suite at the hotel. After my adventure in Regent’s Park, I’d gone straight home and sent out the SOS to everyone.

The starkness of Covington House Copyright 2016 - 2024