Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,59

don’t, I will do the asking. I’ll be less than kind about it.”

Fenton’s fingers dug deeper into my flesh, and I winced. “Mr. Mills, let me go.”

And then Ben was on us. Where Fenton held my arm, Ben’s palm engulfed his hand. And then slowly, I felt the pressure loosen.

Fenton’s eyes went wide, and his mouth hung open in pain. “Ah, let me go, you piece of shit. There will be repercussions for this.”

Ben scowled at him. “Yes, there will. For you. Not for me.” He then wrapped an arm around me, pulled me tight to his side, and scuttled me along the sidewalk.

“What are you doing here?”

“I had a meeting scheduled. He was a no-show, and I was headed back to the office. I almost took the car, but I’m glad I decided to walk.”

“Thank you.”

“Looks like we keep saving each other.”

I tried to blink away the impending tears. I was not going to let him see me cry.

“Where am I taking you? And let me be really clear. You’re not going anywhere Fenton Mills will have access to you. Or knows about.”

“Uh, I’ll call Telly. I’ll go to her flat.”

He gave a terse nod. “Fine, call her. The car is up ahead. I’ll take you there.”

“Ben, you don’t have to.”

He paused and turned me to face him. “I think you and I both need to get on the same page here. For some reason, we are linked. You came barging into my life three weeks ago, and neither one of us has been able to shake the other. Stop apologizing and stop asking me to not take care of you. It seems you’re mine now. Like a wayward kitty.”

“Is that because you licked me? Now I belong to you?”

His quick grin was merciless. “I haven’t even licked you yet. When I do, you’ll know.”


As it turned out, Telly couldn’t find a fuck at the fuck store left to give when it came to Dexter. “He left you with Fenton?”

“Yes.” This was the third time I’d had to recount the story. Telly grew more and more incredulous each time. She paced back and forth. Carmen watched her and just sat there rubbing my back and made sure I sipped the tea they’d given me.

“He fucking left you with that creep, Mills?”

“Yes, Tell.”

“And then Fenton tried to attack you?”

“I wouldn’t exactly use that word. He tried to make me go with him, and I told him no. And he was just gripping me so tight.” Why wasn’t I able to come out and say the word? It had been an assault. He’d put his hands on me without my permission. That’s what had happened, but I felt like I couldn’t say the ugly thing.

That was when Carmen frowned down at my arm, at the bruises now starting to turn purple on my flesh.

Carmen, as far as I could tell, was a pacifist. She was sweet and kind and never really raised her voice. With her long hair and her penchant for wearing flowers, I always considered her kind of a hippie. She was a doctor though and had already applied salve. She pulled out the bandages as she spoke. “If I find him, I’ll kill him myself.”

Telly met her gaze. “Carmen, you’re beautiful, and you are amazing. But I will fight you for that right.”

Oh God. Things were taking a turn. Before the night was out, Telly might form a posse like in the American Old Westerns she loved so much. “Turns out neither one of you has to do it. Ben already did.” I hadn’t really explained much when I’d rung up, Just the Dexter and Fenton part.

Telly stopped pacing and raised a brow. “As in sexy office Ben?”

I sighed. Must I really play into his arrogance with that nickname. “Yes, as in sexy office Ben.”

A slow smile spread over her lips. “Uh-huh. So why were you and Ben there together?”

“No, I was not there with Ben. He had a meeting nearby.”

“And he just rode into the war to save you?”

“Well, you know to be fair, he was the reason I needed saving in the first place.”

Telly crossed her arms. “Explain.”

I quickly ran over the incident at the office. Throughout, Telly and Carmen stared at me as if I had seven heads. “Say something, you guys.”

Carmen just laughed. Telly, for once in her life, could find no words. Finally, she said, “So you kissed your boss?”

“No, he kissed me. But I kissed him back.”

Telly counted out the points on Copyright 2016 - 2024