Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,25

like an idiot. How could I not know? I’d been lucky to get this job. I’d said yes without knowing much about the company. And between the accident and loosing Mom, I’d been… well, complacent.

Telly, ever my bestie, was maybe a little too kind. “Well, you’ve had a lot to deal with lately.?I could imagine you not paying attention to who your employers are.”

“Yeah, well anyway, there he was, wanting the flash drive back. And in exchange, he offered me a better job.”

“Ah jeez, this is a slippery slope. Do you want to take the job?”

Hell yes. “I think I do. Look, the job is right up my alley.?I can stop being an executive assistant. But I can’t shake the feeling of being used. What if I’d been arrested getting that thing out of there? And what if it’s corporate espionage?”

Telly chewed her bottom lip. “Look, I’ll have a look at it and see if I can decipher what’s on it.?But you be careful with a man like that.?He’s a billionaire.?What’s on that flash drive could be billionaire things.”

“Billionaire things?”

“Sure.?You know what I mean. It could be about some corporate espionage, political intrigue, money, women, drugs, jewels.”

“Yeah, I know. He had it at the Van Linsted fundraiser, and he was doing something in that room.?But I don’t know what.”

“I hear you. But be careful.?I’m worried that he found you.”

“He said he checked CCTV. Maybe taking the job is a good idea. I can keep an eye on the situation.”

“Hon, I’m not sure that’s wise. Why run to danger?”

She had a point. Why was I pushing this? “I have to know, Telly. I just… I need to.”

She sighed. “Okay. So, this new job… Will you be working directly with him?”


Telly drained her glass. “Liv, you need to be careful.?We don’t know what the hell we’re dealing with.”

“That sounds like you’re with me.”

“Honey, I’m always with you. Even if it means women’s prison. Who knows, I might meet the love of my life.”



“Where are we on the drive?”

I glowered at Bridge as I stared up at him from East’s couch. The sun had long set. And we could see St. James Park and Westminster lit like twinkle lights as cars and buses darted around and tourists cavorted and enjoyed London nightlife.

“Working on it.” I knew they weren’t going to be happy. Hell, I wasn’t happy. I still couldn’t believe she had said no to me. No one said no to me. I usually charmed them into compliance. But not her. What burned the most was how wrong I’d read her. Going by the closet, she’d felt that instant hum and buzz between us, like you could hear the electricity.

But in her office, she’d been much more reserved. Cool and distant. Like the woman who’d moaned and molded herself to me had never existed.

I’d been so out of sorts after striking out with Miss ass-so sweet-I-want-to-take-a-bite-out-of-it, that I’d asked for lunch with my father. Clearly, I hadn’t been in my right mind. But at least I wouldn’t be coming to the damn meeting completely empty handed. So finally, something the old man was good for. I only hoped what he had told me would bear fruit.

East lifted a brow. “Mate, working on it? Everything hinges on you getting that drive. Do I need to remind you that Van Linsted already has a head start with whatever is on that drive?”

“I know, and I’m working on it.”

Drew came in from the kitchen holding a bacon butty. “What he means is he struck out.”

I scowled at my mate. “With the best restaurants just downstairs that will deliver, you’re eating a bacon butty? And what it means is that there’s work to be done. I’ll make it happen.”

Drew took a bite of his sandwich as he flipped me off.

East ran a hand through his hair. “We’re not playing around here. You want me to do this?”

I dragged my feet off the coffee table and sat up, leaning forward on my elbows and pinning him with a direct glare. “Do you really think I’ll give up? Even if I have to steal it from her, I’ll do it. I was the one who walked into that fundraiser and made it happen. So, when I tell you I will get it back, what does that mean?” I wasn’t used to being questioned. They knew me. They knew how single minded and determined I could be. Not to mention if East went near Olivia, I might consider hurting him. Copyright 2016 - 2024