Big Ben (See No Evil Trilogy #1) - Nana Malone Page 0,24

arms.? “Is it going to require more wine-ing?”

I nodded.? “Yeah. I’ll grab the bottle and turn on the heat lamp.”

She met me a minute later with some chocolates and cheese.? “Well, you know, we have to pretend that we’re not just having wine for dinner.”

I nodded solemnly. “That’s a good point.”

Once we were settled in with the heater blasting and our gazes trained on the flames, she spoke. “So, what the hell have you gotten yourself into, Liv? You don’t come to me with random flash drives. Something is happening.”

I chewed my bottom lip, worried about how much to say. “Remember the thing with the Viking in the closet? And how I felt alive, and you know... generally, all the shenanigans?”

She nodded slowly.

“Well, the part I left out before, you know, I got mugged… he passed me something.”

“He passed you what? Like chlamydia?”

I snorted wine up my nose. That was my fault for taking a sip while she was talking. I knew Telly was prone to outrageousness.

It felt good to laugh and release some of the tension coiling between my shoulders.? “No, I told you I didn’t bang him in the closet.”

“Hey, no judgment here.?Not like you don’t deserve a good bang in a closet, to be fair.”

I opened my mouth to defend Dexter, but then, well, she was right.?I did deserve it. Since Mom died, he hadn’t laid a hand on me. And when I initiated, he’d make an excuse not to do it. But that was another problem for another day. “So anyway, I told you we hid in the closet, and then he went his way and I went mine and returned to the party. Well, then he was in a scuffle with security after he was in some kind of altercation with Bram Van Linsted.”

There was a beat of silence. “So, he was having an altercation with Van Linsted and security came. How did you get involved?”

“Well, I stopped the security guys as they were dragging him off Van Linsted, trying to tell them to let him go.?They were trying to pin him down, he fought their hold, I went too close, and then all of us took a tumble.”

She frowned. “You left that out on Saturday.”

“I know.?It was something out of like a hilarious blooper-reel from some movie. Like something Anne Hathaway would act in.”

“You know what? You could easily be the brown version of Anne Hathaway.”

I grinned.? “You think? I guess my boobs are good enough. I’ll take it.”

She nodded.? “Okay, so you fell. What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that flash drive. He slid it into my purse, as if he didn’t want anyone to find it in his possession.”

She leaned forward, her glass of wine cradled between both palms.? “Are you sure he did it?”

“Yes. I went to work this morning, and there he was, in my office.”

Her mouth fell open. “What?”

“I know.?He was standing there like he owned the place.?Gorgeous.?And he was wearing a vest and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showcasing some discreet ink.?And his forearms were thick and strong, and it was just…”

“Right.?Yes.?So you told me how he was in your office, and his forearms were exposed. Did he bend you over the desk, because... yes, ?I’ve been looking for a romance too, you know, but I’ll use your life as a substitute for now.”

“Stop it.?You have Carmen. He didn’t bend me over the desk, but he offered me a job.”

“Okay, back up.?This is the same bloke who hid with you in a closet, whispered sexy nothings in your ear like, ‘stop moving, be quiet, stay here,’ while you were grinding against his very big dick.?And then he slips you something, nothing inappropriate, of course, just, you know, a flash drive that could be virtually anything.?And then on Monday, two days later, he’s in your office.”


“Is there more?”

It all sounded ridiculous when she said it out loud. “Um, yes.?As it turns out, he’s my boss,?Ben Covington.”

Telly’s head snapped back, and then she eased herself to the back of her chair.? “Jesus fucking Christ, the billionaire?”

“Yeah, apparently. London Lords, it’s him and two friends.”

“I know that.?They’re in the business papers all the time. And they go through women like they’re candy.”

“I suppose I need to catch up on my reading. How do you know this?”

“Look, I have no need for cock, but that doesn’t mean I can’t admire the gorgeousness it’s attached to. And game recognizes game.”

I shook my head and licked my lips. I sounded Copyright 2016 - 2024