Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,73

when I do, I get an uncanny sense of déjà vu.

At first, I’m certain it’s the wall, but that’s impossible, considering I’m standing in the open corridor. That only leaves one other option. I’ve just rudely slammed into someone, which is completely my fault.

“I am so…” The words die in a gargled mess when I peer up and see the striking face of a man who emanates sheer masculinity. The first thing that catches my attention is the vibrancy of his blue-gray eyes. However, this time around, those eyes are weighed down with despair.

My brain, the motherboard of my quivering body, suddenly short-circuits, not believing I’m seeing who I’m seeing. This is surely some scam my mind conjured up to help deal with my loss. But when he speaks, his honeyed, smooth voice brings back memories that never, ever faded, and I know this is real.

“Sorry,” he states, but I don’t know if he’s speaking for me, or if he’s speaking for himself.

“You’re fucking kidding me.”

“Well, hello to you too.”

I know I’m being rude, but seriously…you’re fucking kidding me. “What are you doing here?”

Someone clears their throat, alerting us to the fact we’re standing in the middle of the hallway, in front of the elevators, nonetheless. When I turn, I see Mrs. Dunned standing behind us, looking far from impressed. She doesn’t mask her disgust as she clearly sizes Roman up. Protection mode kicks in, and I narrow my eyes, a silent warning that if she doesn’t remove that scowl, I’ll remove it for her…with my palm.

I have no idea why she wouldn’t approve of Roman; he fits into her social circle. However, when I look closely and get over my initial shock of seeing him here, I realize he looks like anyone other than the cocky, vibrant doctor I’ve grown to love.

His jeans are ripped at the knee, and he’s opted for a loose-fitting V neck tee. His tousled hair appears as if he’s run his fingers through it, rather than a comb. His scruff is heavier than usual, changing his usual refined look to wayward and angst-ridden.

Roman steps forward, placing his hand against my arm to shift me out of the way. The touch is electric, every nerve ending reverberating in delight. Mrs. Dunned pushes past us, and I have no doubt she’ll be texting my mother, informing her of what she just saw, before she hits the lobby.

Not interested in being the topic of gossip over every New York socialite’s brunch, I shrug out of Roman’s hold. His mouth curves into a bitter smile. This is war.

“What do you want?”

Folding his arms arrogantly over his chest, he radiates pure domination, which ticks me off. How dare he come here unannounced? He ended things, but he’s also the one who can’t seem to leave me alone. “I thought I was ransacked, but apparently, there was nothing worth stealing.”

I arch an apathetic brow. “Is this the last stop on your goodbye tour? If so, I want a refund.” This tit for tat is getting us nowhere, but it feels liberating as I’m no longer sad. I’m angry.

“I’m not leaving.”

“You’re…what?” I scrunch up my nose, confused. “I saw your house, Roman. Unless you suddenly want to slum it, then I dare say you are. And besides, June told me you were. She told me you were in Manhattan.” My sassiness is short-lived.

“June told you? She’s here?”

“Yes,” I reply, my voice small. I hope I haven’t gotten her into trouble. “She came to see me earlier.”

He seems to ponder my admission before he cocks his head to the side. “Where were you going in such a rush? Were you coming to see me?”

I scoff, attempting to play coy as I push my glasses up my nose. “Please, I have better things to do. I was going for a run.” Roman peers down at my ballet flats and summer dress, both brows rising in amused disbelief. “Whatever, it’s none of your business where I was going. You gave up the right to know when you turned into a colossal asshole! Goodbye. Have a nice life.” I spin around, hating that he can flick my emotions in a blink of an eye.

“Lola, Lola, wait!” He latches on to my wrist, stopping me from fleeing, his desperation clear.

“Wait for what? That’s all I’ve been doing…waiting for you to tell me the truth!”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

“Well, you thought wrong.”

It’s like staring into a mirror, his pain Copyright 2016 - 2024