Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,58

recoils, clearing his throat and turning around calmly. “Speaking in the third person now? What would Freud say about that?” He’s trying to lighten the sudden sour mood.

However, Roman doesn’t appreciate the humor. “He would probably say I need to find better friends.”

This is my fault. If I hadn’t been so nosy, Teddy wouldn’t have to be dealing with Mr. Grumpy Guts. “Thank you for today. I really appreciate everything.”

Roman focuses his eyes my way.

Teddy is the meat in this very uncomfortable sandwich, so I don’t blame him when he excuses himself and practically runs out the door.

We continue glaring at one another long after the door slams shut.

I can’t read the look on Roman’s face. It’s a mixture of amusement and annoyance. His bad mood is ticking me off. He probably has the birthday blues. It’s his party, and he can cry if he wants to. But I will not stand by and let him bring me down.

“What are you doing? Right now?” His question throws me, and it shows. He lets out a deep rumble, amused by my stunned silence.

“I…” Why is he asking me this?

“Do you want to come to the baseball game with me?”

“The baseball game?” I question, thankful to have found my voice.

“Yes.” His reply is resolute, and so is his unwavering stare. He’s making me nervous. So much is going on behind those soulful eyes.

But I pull my shoulders back, hoping my brave façade sticks. “Wouldn’t you prefer to take someone else? Someone a little more knowledgeable about what actually happens?” I leave the unspoken lurking.

“No, I want to go with you.” He slips a hand into his pressed pants pocket, watching me closely.

I’m seconds away from combusting under his heated stare, but I pull it together.

Shrugging, hoping to seem aloof, I say, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“So that’s a yes?” He appears hopeful I’ll agree.


My response pleases him, which makes me wonder about the sudden change in mood. Earlier, he couldn’t wait to put ten feet between us, and now he’s asking me to the game…on his birthday nonetheless.

“So are you ready?”

“Oh, you meant right now?”

My naïvety thoroughly entertains him. “Are you done for the day?

“Yes. I was scheduled for this morning’s activities only. I just need to swing past my room and change.”

“I’ll wait for you out front.”

I’m surprised by his response. “Out front? You don’t want to meet someplace a little less…public?”

He shakes his head. “No.”

Something is bugging him, but it appears whatever it is, it has nothing, or everything to do with me. “Sure, out front it is. I’ll be down in about twenty minutes.”

He’s keeping his cards close to his chest, which isn’t anything new. But the undercurrent of apathy is something I’ve not seen before.

I brush past him, ensuring we don’t touch, as I have no idea how he’s going to respond. I escape unscathed and dash to my room, taking deep breaths to calm down. I have no idea what to wear, so I decide on jean shorts, a slouchy T-shirt, and a sweatshirt just in case the weather cools.

Grabbing a cap, I place it low on my head and adjust the bill, attempting to hide beneath it.

Once I’m satisfied I look semi-inconspicuous, I make my way downstairs. Roman is waiting for me at the bottom of the steps. His back is turned. If this were a fairy tale, I would make a grand entrance, looking regal and beautiful and all princess-like. But the fact I’m in Chucks and my hair is swept beneath a cap ruins that fantasy before it can even begin.

I hold the banister as I descend each step carefully, afraid I’ll face plant if I rush it. Halfway down, Roman turns, and I almost do trip because he is remarkable. Black Ray-Bans hide his eyes, but the hard set of his jawline reveals he’s still irritated. The pissed-off look suits him. He’s arrogant, almost conceited as a lopsided smirk tugs at his lips. He knows the influence he has over me, and if that smile is anything to go by, he’s enjoying every minute.

When I reach the second step above him, his gaze flicks to the hat resting on my head. “The Cubs? Really?”

I descend one more step so I’m hovering above him. “Yeah, it was a gift from my dad. He got it for me when he was traveling for work. The little bear is adorable. I think it’s some animal conservation thing.” When he does a poor job of concealing Copyright 2016 - 2024