Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,79


Her body moved, an instantaneous obedience that required no thought. No will but his.

He was leaning forward, almost straining toward her, his eyes glazed and heavy. Hungry. "Every touch is because of me. Their hands, their mouths. My gift to you. Let me see how much you love it, Lexie. Let me see you let go."

Ace bent his head to her breasts again, and Noelle teased Lex with another slow, leisurely lick. A rush of pleasure tilted her head back, but Mad clenched his hand in her hair and forced her gaze back to Dallas.

Pure lust burned in his eyes, a need that matched her own. His words were truth--others were touching her, bringing her pleasure, but every bit of it ultimately came from Dallas.


Mad sucked a tiny line of kisses up the side of her neck, then closed his teeth in a sharp bite that shocked her into a shudder that didn't stop. It couldn't, not with every inch of her body on high alert and vibrating with the promise of a painfully intense orgasm.

Dallas inclined his head as if nodding permission, but his echoed words were nothing short of command. "Let go."

It wasn't until Jasper pushed her hips down that Lex realized she'd arched off the chair. Her muscles shook, everything throbbed--and then it all snapped in a screaming rush of relief and release. The almost electric shock of it sizzled through her in jagged, clutching waves, carried and prolonged by tongues, whispers. Groans.

"That's right," a feminine voice finally murmured against her cheek. Soft fingers stroked Lex's face as she trembled through the aftermath of pleasure. Bliss, warmth--and smooth skin sliding over hers. When she opened her eyes Noelle was there, straddling her lap and tracing Lex's lower lip with her thumb. "That was so hot."

Lex could barely breathe. "Christ. Dallas doesn't fuck around."

"No, he doesn't." Noelle glanced over her shoulder, and Lex caught a hint of the teasing smile the younger woman flashed at him. "I wonder if we can get him off the couch if we play a little..."

Ace laughed from where he'd sprawled out on a cushion next to the chair. "Princess, no one's going to interrupt if you start giving Lex a lap dance. Except Jas, maybe, because he's a joy killer."

Jasper responded with a lazy stretch. "You know you want a piece of me, you jealous asshole."

"Of course he does," Noelle said blithely. Her eyes lit with hungry excitement as she brushed her thumb over Lex's nipple, pinching it against the silver ring nestled around it. "Do you, Lex? Do you want Jas and Dallas to fuck you at the same time?"

So much anticipation in those breathless words, but Lex didn't get a chance to respond. A low growl rumbled over them from the direction of the couch, and leather creaked. "Jas knows better than to get his dick anywhere near Lex."

"Someday, honey," she promised instead, the whisper as much for Dallas as it was for Noelle.

Laughing, Noelle ducked her head. Her tongue circled Lex's nipple, tracing the ring before flicking over the tight peak.

Lex shivered. If she'd had her hands free, she'd have cradled Noelle's head, though whether she would have pulled her closer or pushed her away, she didn't know. "I need a damn cigarette."

"Cigarettes are for afterwards," Dallas drawled. A tiny smile played at the corner of his mouth. "And if you've still got brains enough to string words together, then we're just getting started. Ace?"

"Yeah, boss?"

Dallas crooked a finger, and Ace rolled to his feet and padded toward the couch. The whispers they exchanged were low, too low for Lex to hear.

A renewed surge of heat distracted her as Mad dragged Noelle's head over to her other nipple and urged her to suck harder. She obeyed eagerly, and Mad laughed hoarsely when Lex cursed through clenched teeth. "God, girl. You were wasted in Eden. So much hunger. No wonder Lex snatched you up."

Noelle's lips curved into a smile against her breast, and a heartbeat later soft fingers stroked down her belly. "Dallas wants her to come," Noelle replied innocently. "I'm just being obedient."

But Lex recognized the look on Dallas's face, calculating and already smug. "Oh, he has plans for you, baby girl."

His grin widened. "Back off, Mad. I want Noelle to show us just how obedient she is. How long should we give her--two minutes? One?" Dallas's stare burned through Lex. "What do you say, Jas? How fast can your girl get Lex off?"

"Lex is revved up." Jasper surveyed Copyright 2016 - 2024