Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,78

the truth at the heart of desire. Fake was exactly that, and no amount of acting could make it real. But if you started with something honest--attraction, affection, lust--then all you had to do was dress it up in naughty little costumes and let them watch you get off.

The men and women watching might not know why it worked so well, but they sure as hell knew it did.

Two wet fingers--one delicate, one wide and blunt--circled her clit, and Lex shuddered as the haze surged over her. "It is now," she whispered. "Dallas is watching."

"Yeah, he is." Mad traced a path down her throat and around one nipple, teasing it with touches just as soft as the ones between her thighs. "You can feel it, can't you? Fuck, I can feel it. If I make one wrong move, he'll be over here, breaking my fingers off one at a time."

"So make the right ones." Lex could feel it, the weight of Dallas's fierce stare, as she leaned up as far as she could reach and bit Mad's shoulder.

It drove a rasping curse from him as his fingers tightened in her hair, but Ace returned before she could savor her triumph. "I love these nipple rings," he said, dangling one in front of her. The delicate silver circle was decorated with stylized flames and the outline of a fierce-looking skull that almost matched the one inked on their wrists. He winked at her before addressing Dallas. "Tell me I get to be the one to put them on, boss."

Mad didn't loosen his grip on her hair, but Lex didn't need to see Dallas to imagine the look on his face, not when his voice carried such heat and promise. "Well, Lexie? Do you want Ace's mouth on your tits? That's how he wants to do it, you know. Nestle that ring around the tip of your nipple and suck until it's all snug and tight."

She tried to answer, but the sudden, wet rasp of a tongue over the hood of her clit stole her breath. The constant stimulation coupled with the distraction had her spinning, struggling to keep up with her body's reactions.

The chains around her wrists rattled as she arched, seeking the promise of Dallas's words. "I want it." An answer to the question, and a declaration of so much more.

Cool silver nestled around the tip of one nipple and then the other with barely enough pressure to tingle. Her only warning was Mad's hand releasing her hair before two mouths latched on to her.

No, four. Noelle and Jasper licking her pussy, Mad and Ace sucking her nipples to aching, caged points. Panting, Lex lifted her head far enough to see Dallas.

He smiled and pressed one hand against his fly, where his cock strained his jeans. "They can lick you, darling. They can stroke you and suck you and pet you, but they can't have you. The only question now is how many times I'm gonna watch you come before I get my cock in you."

Lex didn't know what would be worse--if he made her wait through orgasm after orgasm, or if he jumped in before the others had wrung every ounce of pleasure from her limp body.

She swallowed hard, every nerve ending alive, electric. "You want me over the edge before you fuck me. You know you do."

"Yeah. Doesn't make you any less greedy, but I like you that way." He slid his thumb over his belt, like he was considering unbuckling it, then stretched his arm out along the back of the couch again. "Jas? Show Noelle how to put on Lex's last bit of jewelry."

His answering rumble vibrated through Lex as he licked her one last time and sucked on her clit. Not hard enough to get her off, but enough to make her muscles ache as she chased his retreating mouth with a buck of her hips. "Fuck, Jasper, don't stop."

He ignored her entreaty in favor of pinching the slick inner lips of her pussy. " this," he whispered, guiding Noelle's hesitant fingers.

A different sort of pinch sent a shudder ripping through Lex. Cool metal on hot flesh, the unyielding bite of the jewelry holding her clit exposed and hard.

As if it wasn't intense enough, Ace slipped one hand down her body to tug gently on her new adornment. "Poor Lex. All dolled up, and no chance to come."

An honest-to-Christ whimper escaped her, and she bit her tongue.

"Lex." Dallas's voice, rough and commanding. "Look at me, Copyright 2016 - 2024