Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,14

fingers around her throat tightened. "When am I not?"

"Mmm." She eased her legs apart. Noelle was there in the next moment, lips soft on the skin of her inner thighs. A tease, nothing more, sweet kisses that tormented Lex and taunted Jasper with the barest hint of disobedience. When Noelle's gaze met hers, there was mischief there, an awareness of her own power.

Jasper pushed Noelle's dress higher, revealing the bare curves of her hips. His hand slipped past the fabric, up to her hair, and he turned her head, guiding her mouth.

Her tongue grazed Lex's clit, wet and rasping. The sudden sensation rocked Lex onto her toes, arching against Noelle's mouth and Dallas's hand, which was still caged around her throat.

He laughed near her ear, breath tickling heat over sensitive skin. "Look at her, Lexie. Those big eyes aren't so innocent anymore." Dallas's fingers covered Jasper's, tangled in Noelle's hair, and he braced the back of her head before rocking his hips, forcing Lex closer to her tongue.

He was in control. The thought flitted through Lex's mind faster than the helpless zing of pleasure that shook her. And just like the pleasure, it circled around, tighter and tighter. Dallas had the control, and even though she reveled in it, she also wanted to take it.

One day, she would.

Noelle moaned helplessly, and Lex opened her eyes just in time to watch Jasper slide home, his jaw clenched. Noelle's eyes fluttered shut as bliss rolled over her features, and she renewed her attentions, slicking her tongue into Lex with quick, hungry thrusts before sliding up to work her clit with newly inspired dedication.

Dallas flexed his fingers around Lex's throat, but his next rock was more of a grind, rubbing his caged erection against her ass. "They make a pretty picture, don't they? Except..." He moved his hand from Noelle's head to Lex's dress, winding the fabric higher, giving Lex an unobstructed view of Noelle's lust-clouded eyes.

"Better." Dallas slid the slinky fabric over Lex's skin.

Jasper wrapped his fingers around Noelle's wrists, one after the other, and pulled them behind her back. It left her balanced on her knees, rocking precariously as he eased his cock in and out of her pussy. Every thrust jolted her just a little, pressing her mouth more firmly to Lex's wet flesh, turning her gentle, eager caresses into hard swipes of tongue and the barest graze of teeth.

The room might as well have dissolved in a haze. The mounting heat reduced Lex's vision into a series of flashes--ink on skin, pink lips, the wet glisten of Jasper's dick as he fucked Noelle faster. Harder.

"So fucking beautiful." Dallas muttered the words against her cheek, his lips brushing the corner of her mouth. He had her pinned against his chest, her legs splayed wide, held up by the brutally gentle hand at her throat and one iron forearm across her hips. "Come for her, Lexie," he whispered. "Show her she's a good girl and come all over her hungry tongue."

"No." The denial was as much for her as it was for Noelle.

His growl vibrated through his chest, more amused than irritated. "Are you teaching her to be as disobedient as you are?"

"Never," Lex panted. For Noelle, disobedience was a means to an end, a reason for Jasper to punish her until she came.

Jas slowed his thrusts and shifted both of Noelle's wrists to one hand. He leaned over her, pausing to slip his thumb into her mouth before massaging it in a firm circle over Lex's clit. "Get her off. Now."

Noelle hummed her agreement, her tongue slicking over and around Jasper's thumb and then lower, moving in the rhythm Lex had taught her over lazy nights curled together, with or without him, the one Noelle knew twisted her into dizzy knots.

Lex gave up trying to still her hips. They rocked in anticipation of every lick, and the world narrowed even more, shrank until the only things that existed were touching her. Her dress, chafing her nipples with every movement. Noelle's mouth. Jasper's fingers. Dallas.

She came with a cry she could barely hear through the buzz in her ears, but it had to be loud because it burned her throat like whiskey. Like a scream. Pleasure and relief, and beyond it all a hunger Lex couldn't quite understand. A need for more, for less, for something.

The world tilted and took her along for the ride, and she realized belatedly that Dallas had spilled them both to the floor. He knelt a Copyright 2016 - 2024