Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,13

strap of Noelle's dress, baring her shoulder. "How would I do that?"

Noelle arched her neck, putting all of that gorgeous ink on display. "I was thinking we could be bad girls. Sometimes that inspires Jasper to hurry."

"So I'm a means to an end?" Lex couldn't keep her amusement out of the words. "I see how you are."

"I'm wretched." Noelle teased her hands over the curves of Lex's breasts. "A wicked, wicked girl."

"More like delicious." Lex watched as Noelle's dress slipped low enough to bare one hard nipple, then bent to circle it with her tongue.

"Oh, oh." Noelle clutched at her shoulders and moaned. "God, I love your tongue."

"More than mine?" Jasper stepped up behind Noelle, wrapped his arms around them both, and stroked Lex's cheek.

Noelle laughed and raised her arms, curling them around Jasper's neck. "Don't be jealous, baby."

"Oh, I'm not." He cupped her breast and met Lex's eyes. "Suck."

A command, but Lex was already so wound up she parted her lips without thinking. Pleasure thrummed in her body, a quick pulse that left her pussy aching as she drew Noelle's nipple deep into her mouth.

Noelle's soft cry drowned under dark laughter. Familiar fingers slid around Lex's waist, strong hands that found the flare of her hips as if every curve belonged to him. "I love watching you make her writhe," Dallas murmured against Lex's ear.

She shuddered. Her and Noelle, sandwiched between Jasper and Dallas. Lex had been here before, and she knew how it would end--with all four of them naked on the floor.

And she was helpless to stop it, helpless in a way she never was when Dallas wasn't part of the equation. Lex tilted her head back on his shoulder, both making room and inviting him to lick the taste of her mouth from the tight, slick peak of Noelle's breast.

And he did, flicking his tongue over Noelle's nipple. When she gasped, he gave her teeth, more than Lex would have used so soon. But Dallas had a rougher touch, and Noelle seemed to like it.

"Fuck," Jasper rasped. He combed his fingers through Noelle's hair and urged her head to one side, baring her neck for a slow, lingering kiss. "I'll fuck you, sweetheart. Nice and hard, the way you like it--" he glanced at Dallas, "--but only if you make Lex come."

Sleepy eyes met hers. "Do you want that?" Noelle asked, already tracing the neckline of Lex's dress. The words held a breathless undertone, a plea for her to play along with the fantasy, the one where Jasper withheld satisfaction until Noelle satisfied every one of their lurid demands.

Oh, the hunger. Lex swallowed a moan and nodded. "I won't make it easy, either," she lied. "You'll have to be so, so good."

Noelle actually shivered, and Dallas chuckled again as he caressed Lex's cheek. "She'll have to be so, so bad. Put her on her knees, Jasper."

He did it with nothing more than a twist of his hand in her hair, as if Noelle's body had been finely tuned to his touch. He sank to the floor behind her, one hand already sliding the ruffled hem of her skirt up. "Fingers or tongue?" he asked roughly, then swatted Noelle's ass without waiting for an answer. "Tongue tonight, I think."

No straight-faced adherence to fantasy could keep the glee from Noelle's eyes as she eased her hands under the hem of Lex's dress. But there was something else there too--awareness. Noelle bared only Lex's thighs, holding the fabric tight across Lex's hips, shielding the new tattoo on her lower abdomen.

If Dallas noticed Noelle's precision, he didn't understand the significance. He was too busy wrapping a hand around Lex's throat and whispering silky commands. "Part your legs, love. Let Noelle and her sweet tongue at you."

Lex knew she'd fall without Dallas holding her up. She leaned back, sliding her hands into his pants pockets and drawing in a shaky breath when her ass rubbed against his erection. "This makes you so damn hard," she said softly.

"Of course it does." Dallas stroked the top of Noelle's head. "I love watching her bury her face in your pussy. Tonight everyone's going to love watching it."

They'd drawn stares already. Part of it was the attention due Jasper and Noelle, but Lex knew the rest revolved around morbid curiosity. They were watching her and Dallas. Probably had a fucking pool going. Fifty credits says they blow up tonight.

Lex laid her hand over Dallas's. "You feeling a little wild, Declan?"

He tensed behind her, and the Copyright 2016 - 2024