Between Now and Heartbreak - Dylan Allen Page 0,25

room and I’ll be there.”

She jerks slightly in what I think is a scoff, but could be a cough, or grunt.

“Oh, yes, stay in the house my predecessor handpicked. No thank you. It’s hard enough living with her twin and the constant reminder of the future that awaits me.” She says caustically but I feel sorry for her. Sure, she chose my father, but I’m sure she didn’t imagine it would be so hard to swallow all of his bullshit. I used to hate her. Now, I just pray I’m never where she is.

“No, I’m going. I’m not going to let your father humiliate me on the global stage with his inability to keep his dick in his pants. I’ll be fine.”

I never know what to say when she refers to my dad’s infidelity.

She deals with it the way I deal with my birthmark. Put make up over it and hope for the best. But, clearly, it’s wearing on her.

I nuzzle Cam and she giggles. I wonder how such a beautiful, happy baby could come from my father and Fiona.

“Uh - well. I’ll miss little Cam, but I’m sure she’ll be happy

“What about Duke? Is everything on track with you two?” she asks under her breath.

I’m surprised. This is the first time she’s mentioned anything about our arrangement since I got back.

“We’re fine.” I say vaguely and put the baby back in the chair, buckle her in and press a kiss to her sweet, round cheeks before I stand up again.

“Um, I’ve been wondering. What happened to my phone after I left?”

She looks startled for a second before her expression clears and she shrugs.

“Your father cancelled the account and gave the phone to his assistant to get rid of. Why?”

“I had some pictures on there, I was just hoping I could get them back, but never mind.” I smile blandly.

Her eyes dart up the stairs and then widen. “Your father’s coming. I’ll call you when I can. Just remember what you promised me. And Cam.”

My father prowls down the stairs, his body guards in his wake.

“Duke has assured me that all is well with you.” He stops in front of me, his eyes piercing as he waits for me to confirm Duke’s story.

I nod. “Things are fine. Have a good trip,” I say and then reach up to kiss his cheek.

He doesn’t return the gesture. But he grabs my bicep as I pull away. “Just because you’re here alone doesn’t mean I won’t know everything thing that goes on.” The warning in his tone is unmistakable.

I force myself to smile through the vibration of trepidation that runs through me and remind myself that as long as Duke and I are working together, I’m ahead of him.

In my most honest moments, I let myself feel the fear that he still inspires.

By the time he realizes I’ve been lying to him, it will be too late for him to do anything about it.




“Are you sure there isn’t another key somewhere?” I lean across the counter and try to put myself in the line of sight of the woman sitting in the office behind it.

She looks up at me over her glasses and frowns her displeasure before she closes the book she’s been reading and stands up.

I can see why she’s reluctant. Heaving her heavily pregnant body out of the chair looks like a lot of work.

She waddles to the counter, and presses her palms to it and leans in until we're nearly nose to nose.

“No, there isn’t another key. Like I already I told you, our volunteer will be down in a few minutes and she will open up the microfiche room for you.” Her whisper is so low, I have to read her lips to catch all of that.

“Okay.... But, you said that thirty minutes ago and –”

“Sir! This is a public library. We use inside voices.”

She’s not much older than me, but she’s got demeanor of a battle hardened school teacher and I shrink a little under her withering glare.

“I’m sorry. Is this better?” I drop my voice to the lowest volume I and wait for her to nod in approval before I continue.

“How about I go find him get the key and save you the trouble of having to walk me down.”

Her frown deepens and her eyes narrow as if I’ve offended her. “That key guards county assets. It is forbidden for civilians to even touch it. You’ll just have to wait. Or come ba—” her eyes move over Copyright 2016 - 2024