Between Now and Heartbreak - Dylan Allen Page 0,24

had his attention, she collapsed in his arms and sobbed. He held her, rubbing her back soothingly until the police arrived a few minutes later, he handed her over and walked back into his office without a backward glance.

Maybe they expected me to do that to Duke today.

You are your mother’s daughter

My father’s words haunt me as I make my way out of the building and slip into the back of the company car that’s waiting for me.

This deal that I hoped would save me from a fate similar to my mother’s has brought me closer sharing it than ever.

But the difference between me and my mother is that I’m not in love with Duke. When I leave him, I’ll have everything I want.

The driver launches into a monologue about his new baby and I nod and smile and even laugh. But, I decide that I need to prioritize getting my driver’s license.

By the time we pull up to the front door, I have a boulder sized knot of anxiety in my stomach. There are two black SUVs idling further up the drive.

My father, Fiona and Cameron are leaving for the airport within the air. I said my goodbyes this morning because I didn’t expect them to still be here when I got back.

My father is having the house painted while they’re away, so I’m going to stay at James’ place. Just thinking of it makes me uneasy.

The last time I slept there, he was alive.

Everything was so different.

Carter wasn’t even a twinkle in my eye.

My heart seems to skip an extra-long beat when I think of him.

Which is all the time, these days.

I’ve given up trying not to. I can still feel the warm heavy weight of his palm between my breast. For the few seconds we stood like that, everything felt like it was okay.

But Duke’s timely interruption reminded me just how far from okay anything was.

I haven’t seen him again since our run in at the clerk’s office. But, from the grapevine that runs through Winsome like a major artery, I know he’s still in town. Probably shacked with Etta.

I want to scream at the thought. But it’s better that way. He’s safer that way.

My father’s leaving is a double blessing. I can only hope Carter will be gone before he gets back and their paths will never cross.

Cameron’s fussy wail shakes me out of my procrastination.

I step into the deceptively modest foyer and find Fiona bent, fussing with Cameron’s car seat. She looks over her shoulder when she hears me come in. Her face is flushed and pinched in irritation.

“You guys okay? I walk over to them and peer over her shoulder while she pulls at the straps of the car seat.

“These damn things won’t budge.” She explains in a huff. “I use this thing every day and the one day I don’t have time to go get a replacement, it breaks,” she sighs and lets go.

“Let me try?” I offer.

“Sure, but I’m telling you it’s broken.”

I bend over and examine the car seat. I can’t see anything wrong, so I lift Cam out to try and get a better look.

“Hi sweet girl,” I coo at her, holding her up in front of my face. I’m rewarded with a gummy, drool drenched grin and a gurgle of laughter. My heart is so wide open for this kid. I love her more than anything.

“Here, I see the problem.” I prop her against my shoulder and pull the part of the strap that’s caught in one of the seemingly superfluous latches on the side of the chair.

“Oh, thank you. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that,” Fiona says and I glance over at her. She’s sitting on the lower step, staring straight ahead, unseeing and in a rare moment of what looks like complete vulnerability.

I can see the toll being with my father has taken on her. Her heavy concealer only draws attention to the area under her eyes she’s tried valiantly to cover.

Sympathy moves me to speak before self-preservation kicks in.

“Fiona, are you sure you want to go on this trip, Fiona? Maybe you should stay here. You haven’t given yourself time to rest since Cameron was born. You must be exhausted.”

She laughs dryly, without a hint a humor in it. “Even if I was willing to let your father go off without me for two months, where would I stay while the house is being painted?”

“You could stay at James’. It’s got plenty of Copyright 2016 - 2024