The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,63

made it plain that he will not ask me to accompany him.”

Nola merely patted her daughter’s hand. “Then you must find a way to change his mind. You are, after all, endowed with certain gifts.”

“But you and Gram taught me that I have no right to use them for my own selfish needs.”

“Perhaps, just this once, we could make an exception.”

When her mother walked away carrying the tray, Kylia remained alone in the kitchen, staring after her. And wondering how in the world she could work her magic on such a stubborn, pigheaded man as Grant MacCallum.

As their little party sipped tea and ate fruit fresh from the trees, the sun sank beneath the hills, and the shadows of evening began to gather around them.

Hazlet, seated beside Dougal, turned to Kylia and broke her self-imposed silence. “My lady, how can I ever thank you and your family for the precious gift you gave me?”

“Your thanks are not necessary.” Kylia glanced at her family, who nodded their agreement.

“But I wish to make amends for my sins.” She studied her nephew’s stern profile. “I allowed bitterness and pride and grief to ruin not only my life, but all those I loved. Please believe me when I tell you that I would gladly exchange this new life I’ve been given, if it would but convince you that the most important thing in this world is love. Not all of us find it. And some who do, discover that it is not returned. But if you are fortunate enough to love one who loves you in return, do all in your power to cherish it as the greatest gift of all.”

Abruptly Grant got to his feet and turned to the others at table. “By your leave, I need to walk off this fine meal.”

As he started away, Kylia stood up. “I believe I’ll partake of this evening air as well.”

At once, the wolf pup danced at her heels.

The others remained by the cottage, watching as the two shadowy figures blended into the darkness.

Kylia moved slowly beside Grant, aware that he was taking great pains not to touch her. When they reached the top of the hill, they lifted their heads to stare at the canopy of stars above them.

“My sisters and I rode among them one night.”

He turned to study her. “What was it like?”

“Breathtaking. Like…” She struggled to find a way to describe it. “Like the first time you kissed me.”

He felt a trickle of heat along his spine, remembering that first time, and the indelible effect it had on him. “I doubt a kiss can compare with a ride among the stars.”

“It can, if the two sharing the kiss are fated to be together from the beginning of time.”

“Kylia, you don’t know…”

She turned and placed a finger to his lips to silence his protest. “I saw you when I was but a wee lass, and my heart knew you. After that, every time your face appeared in the loch, or in my dreams, I came to know you better. You can no more deny me than you can deny yourself, my love.”

He caught her wrist. “My mind is made up, Kylia. When I leave this place, I leave alone.”

“Because you feel unworthy of me.” She said it softly, with no bitterness.


Her tone lowered with feeling. “If you leave without me, you will never know a moment’s peace. I’ll haunt your dreams, and stalk you as you go about your daily routine. You’ll see my face on every maiden, and hear my voice in the ripple of a brook. With every breath you take, you’ll breathe me in. And you’ll mourn your loss as only a scorned lover can.”

He was shocked by her fervor. “Such cruelty is beneath you, my lady.”

“It will not be of my making, but of yours. You see how your aunt suffered for a lifetime because of the choices she made, and yet you consider making like choices.”

“I choose not to lie or cheat in order to have what my heart desires. Can’t you see that, Kylia? I could lie, and promise you paradise in my arms. It would be paradise for me, but for you it would mean a lifetime of hell, waiting while I battle yet another army of invaders. I could beg, and tell you that I will never love another the way I love you. And though it may be true, it is also selfish. I want better for you than what I can offer.”

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