The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,62

of my world will never change. Even those who proclaim themselves holy will cheat and lie and steal.” His voice lowered with feeling. “And kill. Look at me. I’ve killed men on the field of battle. What is the difference if we kill our enemies, or our brothers?”

“It does matter, Grant.” She touched her hands to his face and stared into his eyes, willing him to see the truth of her words. “You fight the invaders in order for your people to live in peace. You’re even willing to sacrifice your life for theirs. Can anything be more honorable than that?”

“It may be necessary, and honorable, but it will never be good to take another’s life. While you and your family spend your time healing, I spend mine inflicting mortal wounds. How can I ask you to give up a life in paradise for such as I can offer?”

“Ask me.” Though she tried to keep the plea from her tone, it was there. “Just ask me, my lord, and let the choice be mine.”

Instead of the words she desperately wanted to hear, he merely shook his head and turned away, leaving her standing alone at the top of the hill, her heart shattering into millions of pieces.

They gathered around a festive table set beneath the shade of a tree. The contrast between Kylia and her family, in their lavish gowns the color of flowers seemed all the more distinct when measured against the dulness of Hazlet’s nun’s robes. Though she no longer wore the veil across her face, she had carefully tucked her hair under a length of brown cloth, and kept her head bowed while the others carried on a lively conversation. It was plain to all that guilt weighed heavily upon her.

Wilona draped an arm around her daughter and glanced with affection at her three granddaughters, who were taking turns feeding Wee Lad. “Isn’t it grand to have them back with us?”

“Aye.” Nola squeezed Allegra’s hand. “How is life with your beloved Merrick and his son, Hamish?”

“We’re so happy, despite the fact that Merrick was recently gone from us for more than a fortnight, leading an army against invaders.”

Grant looked over at Kylia’s older sister with sudden interest. “How do you survive the loss of your husband to battle, my lady?”

“Like any other wife, I stay as busy as I can while worrying over him.”

“But it has to be worse for someone like you.”

She arched a brow. “Someone like me?”

“Have you no regrets over giving up paradise for a mere mortal?”

Laughter lurked in her eyes, though she kept her voice without inflection. “Merrick may be a mortal, but there is nothing mere about him. Nor about the love I feel for him. What good would paradise do me without him in it?”

“What good?” He gave a mirthless laugh. “Here there is no cruelty. No sickness. No lying or cheating. Here you would still enjoy the love of your family. You could share laughter, and feel the warmth of sunshine on your face every day. There would be no pain, no sorrow.”

“No sorrow? If you think that, you have never experienced love, my lord. I was warned that I would be changed by the love of a mortal. But until I experienced it for myself, I didn’t understand. You think us different from mortals, but you’re wrong. Once we have found love, we become like you. We can be lifted to the highest heavens by the sheer joy of loving. We can be dashed to the depths of despair by the loss of that love. You see, Grant MacCallum, despite all our gifts here in the Mystical Kingdom, all our strengths and spells, our hearts can be broken.”

Nola glanced at Kylia, who had been strangely silent throughout the meal. “Come, my daughter. Help me serve the tea.”

When they were inside the cottage, Nola arranged cups on a tray while Kylia poured from the kettle.

“Do you love this man, my child?”

“Aye.” She said it simply.

“Yet the love makes you unhappy. Does he not return your feelings?”

“I believe he does. But the secrets revealed by his aunt have left him angry and bitter. He is reluctant to bring me into such a household.”

Nola smiled. “He thinks others have a perfect family, and his is imperfect.”

Kylia nodded.

Nola laid a hand over hers. “If you love him, and he returns that love, you will find a way.”

“How?” Kylia’s eyes filled with tears. “He is eager to return to his home. And he has Copyright 2016 - 2024