The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,58

caught Kylia’s hands in his and drew her close. “I must speak with Finlay and arrange for some of my men to accompany him. After that, I’ll come to you in your chambers.”

She sighed. “To bid me goodbye?”

“To try to change your mind, my love. For if you leave me, my heart will surely stop beating.”

“As will mine. But it must be done.”

He stopped her words with a hard, quick kiss. Then, gathering her into his arms, he kissed her again until they were both dazed and clinging.

He pressed his forehead to hers. “How can I bear to let you go, Kylia?”

“No more than I can bear to leave you. But I must.”

He took her hand, linking her fingers with his. At the doorway he stooped to pick up the wolf pup before handing it over to Kylia.

In silence they climbed the steps, knowing that each one brought them closer to the pain of parting.

Chapter Nineteen

While Grant stood talking quietly with Finlay and Dougal, Kylia stood before the blazing fire in the great hall, cradling Wee Lad in her arms. Neither the warmth of the pup nor the fire could chase the chill that had settled around her heart.

She loved Grant. And she’d come to love his home and people, as well. But how could she stay here, knowing the secret Hazlet harbored in her heart? Such a thing would eat away at the love she and Grant shared. He would resent the fact that she knew something she refused to share with him. And in time it would destroy whatever feelings they had for each other.

She heard Grant’s voice, low, resigned. “It’s settled then. You’ll leave on the morrow.”

Kylia pressed her face to the pup’s neck, wishing she could give in to the need to weep.

“My laird.” Ardis came rushing into the great hall and nearly collided with Mistress Gunn, who was just passing around a tray of goblets filled with ale.

“Have ye no manners, wench?” The old housekeeper shot her a withering look. “Ye’ll leave the laird’s presence at once.”

“But Mistress Gunn…” The girl struggled to catch her breath.

“Ye heard me. Out with ye.”

Ardis turned away. In the doorway she muttered, “The lady Hazlet said I was to tell the laird…”

“Hazlet?” Grant set aside his goblet. “What about my aunt, Ardis?”

The lass looked from Mistress Gunn, who was scowling, to the lord, who beckoned her closer. Timidly she retraced her steps, wringing her hands together to calm her nerves.

“When the lady Hazlet learned that Dougal was leaving Duncrune Castle to escort the lady Kylia to her home, she became…highly agitated. She sent me to fetch you, my lord, along with your brother and the lady.”

“To her chambers?”

Ardis shook her head. “Nay, my lord. To the burial vault.”

Grant stepped away from the others and crossed to where Kylia stood alone. “You heard?”

She nodded.

He put a hand under her elbow. “Come, my love.”

With Dougal on one side of her and Grant on the other, Kylia made her way once again toward the steps leading to the catacombs. With each step she could feel her heart thundering. Was Hazlet about to reveal her secret? If so, how would Grant and Dougal react to the news?

For Kylia, speaking the truth was as natural as breathing. But for someone like Hazlet, who had spent a lifetime in a lie, it might prove to be earth-shattering. It would surely bring pain to those who had innocently believed in her.

When they stepped into the burial vault, Hazlet was standing between the crypts of Stirling and Ranald. The flickering light from torches lining the wall gave her face an eerie quality of darkness and light.

“Hold.” She lifted an arm, bidding them to stop some distance away. She ignored Kylia and Dougal, keeping her gaze fixed on Grant. “As a lass, I was jealous of my brother, Stirling. You’re so like him. While he studied the ancient languages, I was taught needlework. But while I plied my lessons in silence, I listened and learned. When he went off to study with warriors, I remained behind, to learn the humble art of keeping house for a man. But in my heart I was as much a warrior as he. And when he returned to be proclaimed laird of our clan, I begged to be allowed to go with him to the field of battle.”

“A warrior?” Grant shook his head. “I never knew, Aunt.”

“How could you? It was my secret. And later, my shame.”

“I don’t…”

She lifted her hand for Copyright 2016 - 2024