The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,57

this dismal place?”

Hazlet’s lips turned into a scowl. “What transpired here was between the two of us. I’ve no intention of discussing it with you, nephew.” She started away, tucking the knife into the pocket of her coarse gown. At the door she turned. “I’m certain the witch will be happy to tell you everything. It’s why she’s here, after all.”

As the sound of her footsteps faded, Grant turned to Kylia. “My aunt spoke about locking you in this place. Is this true?”

Kylia looked from Grant to Dougal, seeing the same puzzled looks on both their faces. “Your aunt was vexed, and did something she now regrets. I must accept her apology and bear her no ill will.”

Dougal’s lips split into a smile. “By heaven, I see now why my brother loves you so. You’re a remarkable woman, Kylia.”

Instead of feeling joy at his words, she felt her heart sink. “We mustn’t speak of love now.”

Grant was watching her closely. “I agree. There will be time for that later. For now, tell me what transpired between you and my aunt that she would lock you away in this dreary place.”

Kylia shook her head and studied the toe of her kid boot. “I cannot tell you that.”

Grant strode closer and caught her chin in his hand, forcing her to meet his eyes. “You will tell me.”

“Nay.” She saw the range of emotions caused by her denial of his request. Pain. Anger. Puzzlement.

“Tell me the truth, Kylia. Have you learned something that is vital to me?”

“I have. But it is Hazlet’s secret, and only she can reveal it.” She took a step back, breaking contact. “I wish to return to my kingdom.”

His eyes narrowed. “We had an agreement. You would stay until you learned the name of the one who betrayed…” His words died as the realization dawned. For long moments he studied her before saying, “I will deal with this, and then we’ll speak of your future.”

Kylia shook her head. “I’d hoped…” The thought of her shattered hopes and dreams caused a pain around her heart like no other. But she knew that she could no longer remain here, knowing the secrets in Hazlet’s heart. “I must leave here, Grant. I cannot stay.”

His voice lowered with feeling. “Please, my lady. It isn’t possible for me to leave my people at this perilous time. I must see this thing with my aunt through to its conclusion.”

“And I must leave, for my presence here will only be the source of pain for you and for her.”

While Dougal glanced from one to the other, the silence stretched between them.

Finally Grant gave a slight nod of his head. “Very well. I’ll send my most trusted man, Finlay, to accompany you.”

“Let me go, too, Grant.” Dougal turned a pleading look on his brother. “It would be an honor for me to accompany the lady to her kingdom.”

Grant frowned. “Not to mention an adventure.”

“Aye. One I’ve long dreamed of.”

“Beware, Dougal. The journey isn’t a pleasant one. You’ll be sorely tested, both in body and in mind.”

Dougal stiffened his spine. “Do you think me less a warrior than Finlay?”

“Of course not.” Grant clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder and drew him close. “But there are many who attempted to reach the Mystical Kingdom and didn’t live to tell of it. I love you, Dougal. You are all the family I have.”

“I’ll make you proud.” The younger man stepped back and gave his brother a radiant smile. “Then you and I will sit around the fire in our old age and talk of the wondrous things we saw in the lady’s kingdom.”

Kylia’s voice had him looking up. “You misunderstand, Dougal. You will be permitted to escort me only to the edge of the Enchanted Loch. From there, I will return alone to my kingdom.”

“Why must I stop at the banks of the loch?”

“There are forces that will prevent you from going on.”

“My brother overcame the forces.”

Kylia felt a pain at the memory. “Aye, Dougal. There was a fire burning in your brother’s heart that was strong enough to overcome the forces. No such fire burns in your heart.” She thought of Hazlet’s secrets. “At least not now. But perhaps one day.”

Grant turned to Dougal. “Do you still wish to accompany the lady?”

The younger man nodded. “Aye. For I’ll still get to experience the Forest of Darkness, and see the waters of the Enchanted Loch.”

“Very well then. Go and prepare to leave on the morrow.”

When Dougal hurried away, Grant Copyright 2016 - 2024